
日本散藏吐鲁番文献知见录 被引量:5

Notes on the Small Collections of Turfan Manuscripts in Japan
摘要 日本散藏吐鲁番文献是指日本所藏比较集中且经过系统整理刊布的收集品之外的藏品,包括东京国立博物馆、东京台东区立书道博物馆、静嘉堂文库、京都藤井氏有邻馆、日本国立国会图书馆、日本国立历史民俗博物馆、东京大学附属图书馆、大阪武田科学振兴财团杏雨书屋、上野淳一氏私藏等散藏的文献。这些文献具有一定的价值,如书道博物馆藏《前汉纪·孝武皇帝纪》等。 So far,we have had a relatively clear understanding of the spread and collection of Dunhuang manuscripts,but it is far from clear for us to know the whole story of the spread of unearthed Turfan documents.On one hand,Turfan manuscripts from various sites began to spread before the opening of Dunhuang Literary Cave and its release was far more complicated than that of Dunhuang.On the other hand,the Dunhuang Literary Cave was the main source of Dunhuang manuscripts though later some other documents were found from the Northern Grottoes,while the bits and pieces of Turfan manuscripts,most of which were not unearthed in official archaeological excavations but rather were snatched,sold and plundered by treasure hunters to other places,were found from various sites in Turfan Basin,including townsites and Thousand Buddhas Caves.Therefore,it is far more difficult to search for the scattered Turfan manuscripts than to trace down the Dunhuang manuscripts.In addition,owing to war or short of funds,some collections as Otani documents and Germany Turfan collections originally belonging to the same expedition team were separated once again,and as a result some collections were scattered into smaller ones.For years the author has kept tracking down both the Dunhuang and Turfan manuscripts at home and abroad. After he found out that the collection of Dunhuang documents wascomparatively explicit,he began to turn his attention to the collection of Turfan documents,especially to those smaller collections.The″small collections of manuscripts″in this paper refers to those collections excluded from the systematically-collocated and publicized major collections in Japan,including the Tokyo National Museum,the Taito Ward Calligraphy Museum in Tokyo,the Seikado Bunko Art Museum,the Fujii Saiseikai Yurinkan Museum of Art in Kyoto,the National Diet Library of Japan,the National Museum of Japanese History,the University of Tokyo Library System,the Kyo-U Library of Takeda Science Foundation in Osaka,Ueno Junichi's private collections,a
作者 荣新江
出处 《浙江大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第4期18-26,共9页 Journal of Zhejiang University:Humanities and Social Sciences
关键词 敦煌文献 散藏文献 日本 博物馆 图书馆 Dunhuang documents small collections of manuscripts Japan museum library
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