
“后巴黎”全球气候治理形势展望与中国的角色 被引量:4

Prospect of Global Climate Governance and the Role of China in Post-Paris Era
摘要 《巴黎协定》是全球应对气候变化进程中重要的里程碑,凝聚了全球各国最广泛的共识。《巴黎协定》的达成标志着全球气候治理体系构建工作基本完成。《巴黎协定》提前生效指日可待,后续落实成为各方关注的重点。"后巴黎"时期,务实合作将成为应对气候变化进程的主流,加强各国国内低碳转型和全球可持续发展目标的结合也将成为一项重要的任务。气候变化是全人类面临的共同挑战,尽管短期内会出现领导力更迭,但应对气候变化始终将是一个备受关注的议题。中国在《巴黎协定》谈判进程中做出了历史性的贡献,在全球气候治理的新形势下应把握优势和机遇,在不断提高自身能力基础上,更为积极地开展主动型的合作行动,将应对气候变化打造成为中国对外合作和参与国际事务优势平台。 The Paris Agreement is one of the most important milestones in the course ot combating glObal cnmate change. It reflected the broadest consensus of all countries and significantly improved the global climate regime. There is no doubt that the Paris Agreement will enter into force earlier than expected due to the efforts by major economies. Implementation of the Paris Agreement has become a key topic of international community. In Post-Paris era, how to enhance and promote concrete cooperation will become the key feature. To ensure the coherence and linkage between the efforts to promote domestic low-carbon transition and the achievement of 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development will become a key task as well. Climate change is the common challenge that faced by the whole human species. Although there might be some uncertainties in the global leadership of combating climate change in near-term, climate change will continue to be a key global issue in the international arena. China has made historical contribution during the negotiation of the Paris Agreement. In this new context of global climate governance, combating climate change should be a favorable regime for China to promote its constructive role in international affairs, therefore China should seize the opportunity and continuously build relative capacities to act and cooperate more actively.
作者 张晓华 祁悦
出处 《中国能源》 2016年第7期6-10,共5页 Energy of China
关键词 巴黎协定 全球气候治理 2030可持续发展议程 务实合作 the Paris Agreement Global Climate Governance 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Practical Cooperation
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