
英国大宪章对罗马法的继受与创新 被引量:3

Reception and Innovation of Roman Law by the Magna Carta
摘要 自公元一世纪中叶到十二世纪初,不列颠先后经历了直接和间接适用罗马法的漫长时代,其法律成长在多方面受到罗马法的影响。因此,1215年制定的英国大宪章不会像一些英国学者所言,是不列颠日耳曼传统独立发展的结果。大宪章中关于私人财产保护、人身自由保障、城市自治、赋税和刑事司法的制度都深烙着罗马法的印记;大宪章中蕴含的保障权利、限制王权、契约自由、注重程序等法律精神更是深受罗马法的影响。大宪章可谓英格兰法律成长中继受罗马法又秉持民族精神的创新结果,它蕴含着兼容并蓄、注重法治、协商共治、限制强权等一系列法律创新智慧,为英国普通法发展奠定了基石,使得后来的普通法系能够与大陆法系相媲关。 Britain had experienced direct and indirect application of Roman law suc- cessively from the middle of the first century AD to the early twelfth century and its law had been influenced by Roman law in many respects in its growth. Therefore, the Magna Carta of 1215 could not have been the result of the independent development of the British Germanic tra- dition, as some British scholars have claimed. As far as its content and origin are concerned, the Magna Carta is deeply branded by Roman law in such aspects as protection of private prop- erty, safeguarding of personal freedom, autonomy of cities, taxation and criminal justice. The spirits of law embodied in the Magna Carta, such as the protection of rights, limitation of king- ship, and freedom of contract, are even more profoundly influence by Roman law. The Magna Carta can be described as the result of the reception of Roman law and the adherence to British ethos. It also contains a series of creative wisdoms, such as all inclusiveness, the rule of law, deliberative governance and power restriction, which have laid the cornerstone for the develop- ment of the Common Law. Today, these creative wisdoms also has a high reference value for China in the construction of the socialist legal system with Chinese characteristics both in theory and in practice.
作者 陈鹏飞
出处 《环球法律评论》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第4期147-161,共15页 Global Law Review
基金 河南财经政法大学校级重大课题"当代社会治理功能研究"(14CD-ZD-05)的研究成果
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  • 1梁治平.英国普通法中的罗马法因素[J].比较法研究,1990,4(1):41-54. 被引量:21
  • 2杨联华.浅析英国普通法的起源[J].现代法学,1986,8(1):51-54. 被引量:1
  • 3Bryce Lyon, A Constitutional and Legal history of Medieval England, New York: WW Norton & Co. , 1980, p. 311. 被引量:1
  • 4See W. Stubbs, The Constitutional History of England, Vol. I, Oxford: Clarendon Press, 189|, p. 554. 被引量:1
  • 5[美]M.罗斯托夫采夫著:《罗马帝国经济史》(上),马勇、厉以宁译,商务印书馆2005年版,第181页. 被引量:1
  • 6Charles P. Sherman, The Romanization of English Law, in The Yale Law Journal, Vol. 23, No.4, 1914, p.318. 被引量:1
  • 7[古罗马]凯撒著:《高卢战记》,任炳湘译,商务印书馆2004年版,第107页. 被引量:1
  • 8See Barri Jones and David Mattingly,An Atlas of Roman Britain, Oxford, UK: Basil Blackwell Inc. , 1990, pp. 244 - 246. 被引量:1
  • 9See Jones E. Michael, Geographical-Psychological Frontiers in Sub-roman Britain, in Ralph Mathisen and HaghtSivan ( eds. ), Shifting Frontiers Late Antiquity ( Alder-shot), 1996, pp. 45 - 58. 被引量:1
  • 10参见[美]克里斯托弗·A.斯奈德著:《不列颠人:传说和历史》,范勇鹏译,北京大学出版社2009年版,第51页. 被引量:1












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