
干扰素注射后泛发性扁平苔藓1例并文献分析 被引量:1

Widespread Lichen Planus Induced by Interferon Injection: A Case Report and Literature Analysis
摘要 患者男,35岁。躯干及四肢泛发紫红色扁平丘疹1个月余。3个月前肌肉注射重组干扰素α-2a辅助治疗尖锐湿疣,1个月前全身泛发紫红色扁平丘疹。皮损组织病理示:表皮轻度角化过度,颗粒层楔形增厚,棘层不规则增厚,基底细胞液化,真皮浅层血管周围大量淋巴细胞呈带状浸润。诊断:急性泛发性扁平苔藓。治疗、结论与文献分析:停用干扰素、外用糖皮质激素和维A酸治疗后皮疹消退,提示本病有自限性。干扰素可以引起泛发性扁平苔藓,与其他药物诱发扁平苔藓不同之处在于发病机制与其本身的生物活性有关。 A 35-year-old male presented with 1-month history of widespread, purple, flat-topped papules. The patient was injected recombinant interferon α-2a for the assisted treatment of condyloma acuminatum 3 months ago. Histopathological examination showed that there were mild hyperkeratosis, hypergranulosis, acanthosis, liquefaction of basal cells. A zonal infiltration of lymphocytes was seen around blood vessel in the superficial dermis. Diagnosis: acute widespread lichen planus. Treatment, Conclusion and Literature Review: Interferon should induce acute lichen planus, which might be self-limited and well-controlled by topical corticosteroid and retinoin after drug withdrawing. The pathogenesis might be related to its own biological activities of interferon in comparison with other traditional drugs
出处 《中国皮肤性病学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第8期834-835,838,共3页 The Chinese Journal of Dermatovenereology
关键词 干扰素 扁平苔藓 Interferons Lichen planus
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