目的初步探讨纳米脂肪改善紫外线诱导的光老化裸鼠皮肤质地的作用和机理,为纳米脂肪在临床中应用于皮肤光老化治疗提供相关证据.方法选用6-8 周龄雌性BALB/c裸鼠1 8 只,分为4 组Control组(不行任何干预,n=6 ) ,PBSUVB 组(紫外线照射+ PBS注射),ADSCs-UVB 组(紫外线照射+ADSCs注射,n = 6 ),N anofat-UVB组(紫外线照射+nanofat注射,n= 6 ) .注射4 周后取材,肉眼观察各组裸鼠皮肤质地;HE 和Masson染色分别观察裸鼠皮肤结构、真皮层厚度和胶原纤维排列情况;免疫组织化学CD31、K i- 6 7 染色观察皮肤微血管及细胞增殖情况.结果注射4 周后,皮肤大体观发现ADSCs-UVB 组、N anofat-UVB组与PBS -UVB 组之间未见明显差异.ADSCs-UVB 组、Nanofat-UVB组较PBS-UVB 组真皮厚(P 〈 0.05 ),且 ADSCs-UVB 组比 Nanofat-UVB 组真皮厚(P 〈 0 .0 5 )oADSCs-UVB 组和 Nanofat-UVB 组均较PBS -UVB 组微血管密度髙(P〈0.05).ADSCs-UVB 组与Nanofat-UVB组间微血管密度无差异(P 〉 0 .0 5 ).ADSCs-UVB 组较N anofat-UVB组表皮细胞增殖多(P〈 0 .0 5 ),在真皮细胞增殖上两组无差异(P〉0 .0 5 ).结论纳米脂肪具有促进真皮中胶原生成、微血管密度增加及表皮细胞增殖的作用.
Objection To explore the mechanism of nanofat improving photoaging skin texture of nude mice and toprovide related evidence for the clinical application of nanofat on photoaging skin. Methods Eighteen 6 - 8 weeks femaleBALB/c nude mice were included and divided into four groups control group (no intervention, n =6), PBS -U Y B group(ultraviolet irradiation+PBS injection), ADSCs-UYB group (ultraviolet irradiation+nanofat injection, n=6), Nanofat-UVB group(ultraviolet irradiation+nanofat injection, n=6). Four weeks after injection, skin specimens were collected: the skin texture ofeach group were evaluated by general observation; HE and Masson stain were performed to observe skin structure, dermisthickness and collagen fibers arrangement; immunohistochemistry stain of CD31 and K i-6 7 were performed to observe themicro vessel density and cell proliferation respectively. Results Four weeks after injection, in terms of skin generalobservation: ADSCs-UYB group and Nanofat-UYB group showed no obvious difference compared with PBS-UVB group. Interms of dermis thickness: ADSCs-UYB group and Nanofat-UYB group showed obvious thicker dermis than PBS-UVB group(P〈0.05) and ADSCs-UVB group showed thicker dermis than Nanofat-UVB group (P〈0.05). In terms of dermis micro vesseldensity: ADSCs-UVB group and Nanofat-UYB group showed higher microvessel density than PBS-U V B group (P〈0.05),there was no difference between AD SC s-U Y B group and Nanofat-UVB group (P〉0.05). In terms of cells proliferation:ADSCs-UYB group showed more increased epidermic cells proliferation than Nanofat-UYB group (P〈0.05), the two groupsshowed no difference of dermis cells proliferation (P〉0.05). Conclusion Nanofat have the ability to improve dermis collagengeneration, micro vessel density multiplication and epidermic cells proliferation.
Journal of Tissue Engineering and Reconstructive Surgery