[目的]探索冀南地区麦套条件下杂交棉的适宜种植密度。[方法]以中早熟抗虫杂交棉邯杂9号为材料,在冀南地区曲周示范点研究了种植密度(3.75万、4.50万、5.25万、6.00万和6.75万株/hm^2)对棉花农艺性状和产量的影响。[结果]种植密度对棉花农艺性状有明显影响,在5.25万株/hm^2处理时,籽棉产量达到最高(4 693.4 kg/hm^2),显著高于低密度处理(3.75万株/hm^2)和高密度处理(6.75万株/hm^2),与其他2个处理差异不显著。在4.50万株/hm^2时,皮棉产量最高(1 942.6 kg/hm^2),显著高于低密度(3.75万株/hm^2)和高密度处理(6.75万株/hm^2),与其他2个处理相当。在3.75万~5.25万株/hm^2处理时,铃重变化不大,但显著高于6.00万、6.75万株/hm^2处理。[结论]在维持较高铃重的基础上适当增加种植密度,可提高群体铃数,从而实现麦套棉高产。
Objective To research the suitable planting density of hybrid cotton under wheat-cotton intercropping in south of Hebei Province. [ Method] With insect-resistant hybrid cotton Hanza 9 as the research material, field experiments were conducted in Quzhou Demonstration Site to study the effects of plant density (3.75 ×104, 4.50 ×104, 5.25 ×104, 6.00 ×104, 6.75 ×104 plants/hm2) on agronomic characters and yield of cotton in wheat-cotton intercropping system in south Hebei province.[ Result] Planting density had significant effects on the agro-nomic characters of cotton.Seed cotton reached maximum yield (4 693.4 kg/hm2 ) in planting density was 5.25 ×104 plants/hm2 , which was significantly higher than those in low-density treatment (3.75 ×104 plants/hm2 ) and high-density treatment (6.75 ×104 plants/hm2 ) and showed no significant differences with the other two treatments.The highest lint cotton occurred at the treatment of 4.50 ×104 plants/hm2 , which was significantly higher than the low-density treatment (3.75 ×104 plants/hm2) and high-density treatment (6.75 ×104 plants/hm2), and were comparable to the other two treatments.The boll weight changed little between 3.75 ×104 and 5.25 ×104 plants/hm2 , but was sig-nificantly higher than treatments of 6.00 ×104 and 6.75 ×104 plants/hm2.[Conclusion] Based on maintaining a relatively high boll weight, properly enhancing the planting density increases the boll number, and realizes the high cotton yield of wheat-cotton intercropping system.
Journal of Anhui Agricultural Sciences
Wheat-cotton intercropping
Planting density