
A possible interrelation between Earth rotation and climatic variability at decadal time-scale 被引量:2

A possible interrelation between Earth rotation and climatic variability at decadal time-scale
摘要 Using multichannel singular spectrum analysis (MSSA) we decomposed climatic time se- ries into principal components, and compared them with Earth rotation parameters. The global warming trends were initially subtracted. Similar quasi 60 and 20 year periodic os- cillations have been found in the global mean Earth temperature anomaly (HadCRUT4) and global mean sea level (GMSL). Similar cycles were also found in Earth rotation variation. Over the last 160 years multi-decadal change of Earth's rotation velocity is correlated with the 60-year temperature anomaly, and Chandler wobble envelope reproduces the form of the 60-year oscillation noticed in GMSL. The quasi 20-year oscillation observed in GMSL is correlated with the Chandler wobble excitation. So, we assume that Earth's rotation and climate indexes are connected. Despite of all the clues hinting this connection, no sound conclusion can be done as far as ocean circulation modelling is not able to correctly catch angular momentum of the oscillatory modes. Using multichannel singular spectrum analysis (MSSA) we decomposed climatic time se- ries into principal components, and compared them with Earth rotation parameters. The global warming trends were initially subtracted. Similar quasi 60 and 20 year periodic os- cillations have been found in the global mean Earth temperature anomaly (HadCRUT4) and global mean sea level (GMSL). Similar cycles were also found in Earth rotation variation. Over the last 160 years multi-decadal change of Earth's rotation velocity is correlated with the 60-year temperature anomaly, and Chandler wobble envelope reproduces the form of the 60-year oscillation noticed in GMSL. The quasi 20-year oscillation observed in GMSL is correlated with the Chandler wobble excitation. So, we assume that Earth's rotation and climate indexes are connected. Despite of all the clues hinting this connection, no sound conclusion can be done as far as ocean circulation modelling is not able to correctly catch angular momentum of the oscillatory modes.
出处 《Geodesy and Geodynamics》 2016年第3期216-222,共7页 大地测量与地球动力学(英文版)
基金 supported by Russian Foundation for Basic Research (16-05-00753) partially supported by NSF/IGFA (ICER-1342644)
关键词 Earth rotation Climate change Sea level Multichannel singular spectrumanalysis (MSSA) North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) Atlantic Multi-decadal Oscillation(AMO) Earth rotation Climate change Sea level Multichannel singular spectrumanalysis (MSSA) North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) Atlantic Multi-decadal Oscillation(AMO)
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