研究表明 ,在世纪时间尺度上 ,14 70年以来 ,在 10 8°E以东、4 0°N以南的中国东部发生了 7次多雨和 7次少雨过程 ,它们都最先从中国北方开始 ,然后是江淮地区 ,华南地区出现最迟。中国温度高时 ,多雨区偏南 ,温度低时 ,多雨区偏北。中国多雨区自北向南的位相差异可能与Hadley环流的变化有关。
In this paper we find that there are 7 more pluvial and 7 less pluvial periods to the east of 108°E and the south of 40°N of China in centurial scale since 1470, which begins from North China, then moves to Yangtze and Huaihe River Basin and finally to South China. With increasing(decreasing) temperature, more pluvial regions are to the South(North) in China. Phase difference of more pluvial regions may be associated with Hadley cell from North to South. Natural climatical change still plays an important part in the droughts of North China in the past decades and the floods in Yangtze River Basin in the past decade or more.
Acta Meteorologica Sinica