
《美国国际法杂志》南海专刊文章述评 被引量:3

A Review on the AJIL's Special Series on the South China Sea
摘要 2015年10月29日,关于菲律宾所提"南海仲裁案"的管辖权问题裁定出台,使南海问题日益复杂。回溯到该仲裁案的提出,早在菲律宾于2013年单方面提出仲裁程序的当月,《美国国际法杂志》(AJIL)发表了一期关于南海问题的专刊文章。该期论文分别从不同视角深入探讨了南海争议的焦点问题,集中展现了中西方学者在观点上的对立。专刊文章中批判中国立场的核心论点,与"南海仲裁案"中的菲方请求非常相应,亦与美国国务院在2014年12月发表的《南海报告》中的观点高度一致。《美国国际法杂志》在国际法学术界具有较大的影响力,但国内学界对这期论文并无专门的分析与比较。 On Oct. 29,2015,the Permanent Court of Arbitration at The Hague made an arbitration award on the jurisdiction of the " Arbitration Case over the South China Sea" filed by the Philippines,which has made the South China Sea dispute increasingly complex. Dating back to the same month of 2013 when the Philippines unilaterally proposed the arbitration proceeding,the American Journal of International Law( AJIL) issued a special series( Agora) on the South China Sea in which those articles have deeply discussed the South China Sea issue from different perspectives,indicating sharply contrasting opinions between the Western and Chinese scholars. The critical views against China's position can be summarized to be rather consistent with the arbitration claims of the Philippines and highly similar to views reflected in the Special Report made by the U. S. State Department,namely the Limits of the Seas,China: Maritime Claims in the South China Sea,issued on the Dec. 5,2014. The academic influence of the AJIL is world-widely recognized,but unfortunately,this special series have not been particularly analyzed and studied domestically.
作者 罗欢欣
出处 《北方法学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第4期138-150,共13页 Northern Legal Science
基金 2014年度国家社科基金重大项目"南海断续线的法理与历史依据研究"(项目编号14ZDB165)的成果
关键词 美国国际法杂志 南海问题 领土 海洋法 the AJIL Issue over the South China Sea territory law of the sea
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