针对目前施工项目中安全管理方法落后,安全监测过程及安全状态无法可视化显示、安全预警信息传递不及时及信息沟通不畅等问题,提出了基于Kan BIM与WSN的施工项目安全预警系统,包括Kan BIM单元,WSN单元,信息协同单元,安全预警单元。系统中利用Kan BIM制定施工项目的各阶段计划,利用WSN实时采集计划中确定的监测对象的信息,对获取的全面信息进行协同处理并在Kanban中可视化展示,一旦超出预警值则实时发出预警通知。该系统实现了项目各参与方之间安全信息的实时沟通与交流,同时显著增强了安全预警效果,有助于实现建筑施工项目安全预警的实时化、可视化、信息化,对提升企业的安全管理水平具有一定意义。
According to the current situation of construction project that the method of safety management is backward,the level of visualization of safety monitoring process and safety status is not high and the safety warning information utilized by project participants is seldom. Therefore, this paper introduces a safety warning system for construction project based on Kan BIM and WSN,including Kan BIM cell,WSN cell,information synergy cell,safety warning cell. First,Kan BIM can make stage plan,then getting the information of monitoring objects by WSN technology. Secondly, conducting the information and visually displaying the information of safety statue of task on the Kanban. Finally,once exceeding the warning values,the system must send out warning notifications. The proposed system will contribute to timely communicating and sharing the safety information across the participants can improve the safety warning effectiveness. It will also improve the level of safety management for construction enterprise.
Journal of Engineering Management