在迪庆州香格里拉尼西乡对蔷薇大痣小蜂(Megastigmus sp.)的主要生物学特性进行观察。结果表明:蔷薇大痣小蜂在迪庆地区1年发生1代,主要以幼虫在种仁内越冬。幼虫在种子内生活历期达315 d,无转主危害习性;翌年3月种仁被食殆尽后,于4月下旬开始化蛹,蛹期长达130 d。蔷薇大痣小蜂成虫羽化开始时期因雌雄而异,雌雄成虫于5月下旬开始羽化,5月20—26日为羽化盛期;雄成虫比雌成虫羽化早。雌成虫羽化当天即可交尾产卵,卵期7~8 d,幼虫6月上旬开始孵化。
The biology characteristics of Megastigmus sp. , which parasite host is Rosa multiflora Thunb, were surveyed in Lanixixiang, Shangrila Diqing. The results showed that: Megastigmus sp. has one generation per year in Diqing area of Yunnan province, and overwinters as the larvae stage in the seed;the lifetime of the larvae in the seed is 315 d, and the larvae has no host-selection behavior;The seed was completely eat on March in nest year, and pupation was found at late April;the pupal stage is 130 d;the emergence time of Megastigmus sp. is difference according to the adult genders, and the adults emerge in late May;the peak period of early adults is from 20th to 26th on May; the emergence time of the males is earlier than that of the females ; the adult females mates and oviposits at the day of emergence ; the egg stage is 7 - 8 days, and the larvae will hatch in early June.
Journal of Fujian Forestry Science and Technology
Megastigmus sp
Rose spp
biology characteristics