For goiter,the geographical conditions and mental factors are the causes of the disease. The pathogenesis lies in qi stag- nation, phlegm accumulation,blood stasis and liver fire depression. Clinically, syndrome differentiation and treatment is conducted. The therapeutic method for phlegm and turbidity obstruction is to resolve phlegm, soften hardness, eliminating goiter and dissipate stagnation. The drugs with effects of softening hardness and dissipating stagnation include Haizao ( Sargassum ), Kunbu (Thallus Laminariae) .Haidai (Herba Zosterae Marinae) ,etc. The therapeutic method for liver qi depression is to disperse liver qi, eliminate goiter with drugs of Chenpi ( Pericarpium Cirri Reticulatae ), Chaihu ( Radix Bupleuri ), Binglang ( Semen Arecae), Qingpi ( Pericarpium Citri Reticulatae Viride ) , Xiangfu ( Rhizoma Cyperi ) , Muxiang ( Radix Aucklandiae ) , etc. The therapeutic method for the syndrome of liver fire hyperactivity is to clear liver and purge fire, eliminate goiter and dissipate stagnation. The therapeutic method for the syndrome of liver and heart yin deficiency is to nourish yin and reduce fire. calm mind and soften liver with commonly-used drugs with effects of nourishing yln, purging fire and dissipating stagnation. The therapeutic method for the syndrome of qi and yin deficiency, the commonly used drugs include Renshen (Radix et Rhizoma Ginseng),Huangqi (Radix Astragali ), Fuling (Poria). Some doctors apply acupuncture and moxibustion for the treatment. For the prevention of goiter, Zhang Zihe proposed that "put Haizao (Sargassum) and Kunbu ( Thallus Laminariae) into the water jar for usual intake" to improve the water quality.
Henan Traditional Chinese Medicine
syndrome of phlegm and turbidity obstruction
syndrome of liver qi depression
syndrome of phlegm and blood stasis accumulation
syndrome of hyperactive liver fire
syndrome of yin deficiency of the heart and liver
syndrome of qi and yin deficiency