The Scholars is a literati novel which has many features of traditional historical narrative. Firstly, itlearns the collected biographies for reference from the history writings. Secondly it has lots of plots intertextualitywith the history, the legend of Tang dynasty and the contemporary poets of the author life which shows Wu ingzi talent and learning. Ahhough Wu Jingzi suffered a hardish life, he still highlighted the social responsibility andthe sense of historic mission in The scholars by criticizing the imperial examination system. The Scholars insists thetraditional historic narrative moral principles by describing customs and daily stories. At the same time, The Schol-ars is the typical book where the style of writing sublime word with deep meaning are used. The employment of his-torical narrative in this book makes the author overlook many main characters'plot results in the novel.
Journal of Mianyang Teachers' College
The Scholars, historical narrative, the style writing of Autumn and Spring, intertextuality, narra-tive moral principle