红山文化是中国东北地区乃至整个东北亚地区最为发达的新石器时代文化,距今5 000~6 500年。魏家窝铺遗址和兴隆沟第二地点的浮选结果显示,炭化粟、黍的出土比例较低,可能反映辽西地区红山文化时期以粟、黍等农作物为代表的农业水平不高。结合出土器物和动物考古资料认为,狩猎、家畜饲养、渔业、采集在该时期人类生业模式中占有重要地位。6.5~5.5ka B.P.气候温暖干燥,但相对稳定,这可能保证了辽西地区红山文化的持续发展;但相对于与红山文化同时期的中原文化区,东北地区夏季风并不强盛,降水并不丰富,这可能使得红山文化的影响范围小于仰韶文化。5.5ka B.P.前后的干冷事件可能导致红山文化的逐渐衰落。辽西地区红山文化时期相对干燥的气候条件可能限制了该地区农业经济的发展,该时期的先民不得不从事狩猎、家畜饲养渔业、采集等生业模式补充食物资源。此外,不同的地貌环境特征可能促进了生业模式的多样化。
Hongshan Culture(6 500~5 000 B.P.)was the most developed Neolithic cultural types in Northeast China and Northeast Asian region.The floatation results from Weijiawopu site and Xinglonggou(2)site during Hongshan period showed a lower proportion of crop seeds contained foxtail millet and broomcorn millet,revealed that these two crops were the main types during Hongshan period in the upper Xiliao River region and the rain-fed agriculture was still in a low level of development.Combined with unearthed artifacts and animal bones,these data indicated that hunting,breeding,fishing and colleting occupied an important position in subsistence strategy at that time.On the one hand,the stability of climatic conditions ensured the sustainable development of Hongshan Culture;on the other hand,the large-scale development of agriculture was limited by dry environmental conditions in Mid-Holocene especially during6.5~5.0ka B.P.in the upper Xiliao River region.However,combined with the central plains,the summer monsoon and precipitation were not strong enough during Hongshan period in the Northeast China probably limited the distribution ranges of Hongshan Culture which was smaller than Yangshao Culture.The'5.5ka B.P."events may have led to the gradual decline of Hongshan Culture.Relatively dry environmental conditions during Hongshan period in the upper Xiliao River region probably restrict the agriculture development,and human beings had to choose hunting,breeding,fishing and colleting for subsistence strategy.The diversification of subsistence strategy was brought about by complex topography in this region.
Journal of Liaoning Normal University(Social Science Edition)