
少数民族农村社区生计变迁研究——以攀枝花仁和区彝族村寨迤计厂为例 被引量:2

A Research on the Change of Livelihood in An Ethnic Minority Rural Community——Taking Tuojichang,Renhe District of Panzhihua as A Case Study
摘要 迤计厂是四川省攀枝花市仁和区平地镇平地(村)社区的一个自然村落。20世纪50年代至今60余年间,该村生产生活状况发生了巨大的变迁。探讨其变迁的动力原因,考察其变迁的特点,并对这一变迁进行反思,可以为现阶段少数民族农村社区社会主义新农村建设提供理论依据和决策参考。 Tuojichang is a natural village of Pingdi( village) community, Pingdi township,Renhe district,Panzhihua,Sichuan province. In the 1950 s,an ethnic social history investigation team organized by relevant organizations conducted an investigation in this village,and did a detailed survey on the socio- economic situation and other related issues in Tuojichang before Liberation. Later,the team completed a report titled yongrenxian tuojichang yize shehui lishi diaocha( An Investigation on the Social History of the Yi in Tuojichang of Yongren County), which was published in the book titled yunnan yizu shehui lishi diaochao( A Socio Historical Investigation of the Yi of Yunnan).In recent years,Chinese ethnologists and anthropologists have begun to revisit on those well-known anthropological fieldwork sites from the past. Within this background,we conducted a primary survey on the changes in livelihoods in Tuojichang during the past 60 years. The main thrust of this research is on the livelihood changes of the ethnic minority villages and the rural families during the process of implementing the socialist market economy,and to give analysis and reflection on the driving forces and characteristics of the livelihood changes in Tuojichang.I. The Driving Forces of Changes This article divides the driving forces of changes in Tuojichang into a three- level system: macro,meso,and micro levels.1. The Driving Forces on the Macro Level: the setting up of a unified national system,as well asthe implementation of a market economy and market system On the one hand,the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949 brought all the ethnic groups and villages of China into a framework controlled by a modern nation. Thus,the systematic arrangement of the nation and its changes became the macro context for the changes in the way of living and the livelihoods of all villages and residents belonging to ethnic minorities,including the ones in Tuojichang. On the other hand,the combination of the development of a market economy and the farm
出处 《民族学刊》 2016年第2期59-65,116-118,共7页 Journal of Ethnology
基金 攀枝花学院社科联2013年度项目基金'彝族生计变迁60年--攀枝花仁和区迤计厂的再研究'(项目编号:SKL2013A05) 四川省教育厅人文社科重点研究基地'彝族文化研究中心''民族杂居环境下彝族地区社会变迁研究-基于对攀枝花迤计厂的跟踪调查'(项目编号:YZWH1019)
关键词 迤计厂 生计方式 变迁 动力 特点 Tuojichang livelihood change driving forces characteristics
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