

The Mixture of Cosmology and Axiology: a New Exploration of Zhu Xi's Theory on Principle and Vital Energy of
摘要 作为儒学思想形态,朱子理气论不仅是为了说明世界之存在,更重要的是为儒家道德修养实践提供依据与基础。因此,他一方面要将理作为现实世界之本体,从理出发对世界万物作为解释;另一方面又要坚持理之纯粹性,从而保证儒家的价值定向。这两方面的不同考量导致了其思想中宇宙论与价值论两种不同视角之重叠。从宇宙论视角看,理气从来都是"一体浑成",而决非"两元对立";理不仅从理论上说是气运动变化的根源,而且也实际地具有着主宰与制约气之作用。从价值论视角看,纯粹之理自身则总与那未完全实现理的实然之气或具体事物间表现出某种差距,从而产生了"理气为二""气强理弱"的种种观感。朱子对宇宙论与价值论两重视角之存在亦未有明确之自觉与区分,于是造成了后世对理气关系的种种困惑。 As a thought-form of Confucianism, Zhu Xi's theory on Principle and Vital Energy of not only explains the world, but more importantly, it gives the basis and grounds for the practice of Confucian moral cultivation. He takes Principle as the real subject of the world, on the one hand, and explains all matters and all living things in the world by Principle. And on the other hand, he must insist on the purity of Principle to assure the orientation of Confucianism. These two different considerations make the mixture of the two different perspectives of cosmology and axiology. Principle and Vital Energy, from the perspective of cosmology, are always a seamless whole, not binary opposition. Principle is not only the cause to move Vital Energy in theory, but can dominate and restrict it in fact. From the perspective of axiology, the Pure and Complete Principle seems far away in degree from actual Vital Energy or concrete objects which do not realize Principle perfectly. Therefore, Vital Energy looks determined not by Principle but by themselves, and the two are isolated from each other. Even Zhu Xi himself did not notice there are two different perspectives from cosmology and axiology, confusing them constantly, which lead to all the misunderstanding of the relationship between Principle and Vital Energy of later generations.
作者 杨俊峰
出处 《东方论坛(青岛大学学报)》 2016年第3期120-126,共7页 Eastern Forum(JOURNAL OF QINGDAO UNIVERSITY)
关键词 宇宙论 价值论 儒学 principle vital energy cosmology axiology Confucianism
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