Xining City is the biggest city in Qinghai Province, it has the biggest density of population. Its popula- tion pressure has important significance to the sustainable development of economy and society. This thesis adopts the methodof Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and population pressure index to analyze the changing process of population pressure in Xining City in the year of 2004, 2008 and 2013; which is, the population pressure in the Xining City center and Huangynan experienced a process of rising and dropping. The population pressure in Da- tong, has a tendency of rising. Huangzhong population pressure drops in the process. The degree of population pressure can be affected by the level of economy and the amount of resources. The population pressures in the places where developed very well and own rich resources are small, and vice versa. Compared with the factor of natural resources, the factor of social economy is more likely to change and plays a principal role to influence the change of population pressure.
Yunnan Geographic Environment Research
Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP)
population pressure
Xining City