云南省在1999年提出了建设民族文化大省的战略构想,大理文化作为云南文化的源头,建设民族文化大州也是 新世纪大理地方经济社会发展的一项重要战略。本文就大理建设民族文化大洲的重要意义、应注意的几个问 题、应坚持的几个原则作了系统阐述。
A strategic conception formed in 1999 to build Yunan into a big province in terms of the culture of national minorities. Dali,with its culture as the source of Yunnan's culture, is expected to develop into a big prefecture with rich minorities' culture, asis also an important stratagem to boost economy and propel Dali community forward in the new century. This paper makes a systematic exposition of the significance of this endeavor, the points for attention, and some principles that should be stuck to.
Journal of Dali Teachers College