在可见光波段内对光谱热发射率模型进行了合理的假设后 ,揭示出等温连续辐射光谱表达的颜色轨迹在色度图上表现为有限直线段 ,并且该线段可划分为单解段和双解段 ;根据该线段上的颜色求解温度 ,在单解段上颜色和温度一一对应 ,在双解段上一个颜色和两个温度相对应 .最后 。
Based on an assumption of spectral thermal emissivity model, the chromaticity locus formed by colors of continuum emissions at the same temperature is found to be a limited straight line segment in the chromaticity diagram. This straightline can be divided into two parts, the single solution segment and the dual solution segment. In the above straight line segment, a color located on the single solution segment or the dual solution segment corresponds to one or two temperature(s) respectively.