
寻求村民自治中的“三元统一”——基于广东省村民自治新形式的分析 被引量:46

To Seeking for the Integration of the Three Elements in Villagers' Autonomy——An Analysis Based on the New Shape of Villagers' Autonomy in Guangdong Province
摘要 目前,学界有学者用"第三波"理论对广东等地探索村民自治新形式的实践进行了富有启发性的理论解释,但这种解释与实践探索之间还存在一定的距离,不够全面和深入。本文在重新检讨民主与治理割裂论、国家与社会脱节论、体制与制度紧张论等已有理论解释的基础上,重构解释村民自治陷入困境的新框架——"五权"结构平衡论,以此作为分析广东等地探索村民自治新形式的理论起点。基于广东探索村民自治新形式所形成的"一核主导、双重服务""政经分离""三元制衡""四权同步"等实践经验,对广东等地村民自治的新形式给予的理论定位是:从形式上看这种探索是寻求"五权"结构的动态平衡,就其实质而言是把村民自治有机整合到以党政体制为基础的国家治理体系中,以实现"三元统一",即将政党执政的权威性、国家治理的有效性、村民自治的参与性有机统一于中国共产党在乡村执政的合法性。寻求"三元统一"对村民自治的现实成长具有重要意义。 Recently,some scholars have applied the theory of'Third Wave'and provided very inspiring theoretical explanation regarding the exploration of the new shape of villagers' autonomy in villages of Guangdong province. However,the explanation still fails to thoroughly and deeply reflect the practices and the exploration in the reality. On the review of the already-established theories,the author tries to reconstruct a new framework of why villagers' autonomy would fall into dilemma—the theory of the structure balance of'the five powers',and in the light of this theory,to analyze the new shape of villagers' autonomy in villages of Guangdong province. From previous experiences,we can find characteristics such as'one core domination and double services','the separation of politics and economics','the checking-and-balancing of the three elements','the synchronization of the four powers'and so on,and therefore define the new shape of villagers' autonomy in two ways: in the speaking of its form,it is a process of exploring for a dynamic balance of the'five powers'; and in the speaking of its content,it is a process of integrating villagers' autonomy into the state administration system with the basis of party-government system in order to achieve'the integration of the three elements',i. e. to legally integrate the authority of the party in power,the effectiveness of state administration,the participation of villagers' autonomy into the system of the party being the major political power in villages' administration.
作者 肖滨 方木欢
出处 《政治学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第3期77-90,127-128,共14页 CASS Journal of Political Science
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目"扩大公民有序政治参与:战略 路径与对策"(12&ZD040)的研究成果
关键词 村民自治 “五权”结构平衡 党政体制 国家治理体系 三元统一 villagers' autonomy the structure balance of'the five powers' the party-government system the state governance system the integration of the three elements
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