针对天然气开采后期,采出气中H2S含量高,气量波动大,导致脱酸系统负荷增加,同时,现有控制方案在原料气参数变化较大的情况下,系统的缓冲性和可控性较差,对扰动的调节时间较长。因此,本文通过继电反馈测试方法求取脱酸气系统低阶带时滞的传递函数模型(FOPDT),并在此基础上关联系统的扰动变量、输入变量与输出变量以得到传递函数矩阵,通过计算静态增益矩阵与动态增益矩阵,以确定最佳的控制回路配对,并对提出控制回路配对方案作扰动成本分析,考察控制系统系统的缓冲性,最后通过Aspen Dynamics进行动态模拟,以验证控制方案的可靠性。动态模拟表明,相对于以往的控制方案,系统具有较好的抗扰动能力和缓冲性,在原料气参数发生变化的情况下,脱酸气系统能够迅速做出调整,使被控变量能够恢复到设定值。
One of the major problems in natural gas sweetening process control is obtaining a suitable linear transfer function for the absorber and regenerator columns that are highly nonlinear and complex. In this paper, a hybrid approach combined relay feedback test and process steady datum is proposed for obtaining a first order plus dead time(FOPDT) model to design control structure, the method use Astrom's relay feedback(ATV) to get steady gains and frequencies of the system transfer function matrices and relies on a simplified approximate linear dynamic model of the system derived from steady state information. The controllability and resiliency(CR) for process include the relative gain array(RGA), dynamic relative gain array(DRGA) and disturbance cost(DC). Then, a new control structure is proposed for sweetening plant and the results are confirmed by commercial simulation software Aspen Dynamics to evaluate the controllability and resiliency. The overall approaches appear to be very promising as a identification tool.
Computers and Applied Chemistry