
陕西省高血压用药可负担性跟踪评价 被引量:3

Tracking Study on Affordability of Antihypertensive Drugs in Shaanxi Province
摘要 目的:了解基本药物制度实施以来,陕西省高血压用药的可负担性情况,为国家基本药物制度的顺利推行提供实证支持。方法:采用世界卫生组织/国际健康行动组织(WHO/HAI)的标准化调查方法,分别于2010、2012和2014年对陕西省城镇地区3种常用抗高血压药品(氨氯地平5 mg片剂/胶囊、硝苯地平缓释20 mg片剂/胶囊和氯沙坦50 mg片剂/胶囊)进行价格调查,分别采用WHO/HAI标准化可负担性评价方法、致贫性分析和灾难性支出3种方法对高血压用药的可负担性进行评价。结果:无论是公立医院还是零售药店,从2010年到2014年药品的可负担性改善幅度较小;3年中大部分药品的可负担性均较差,仿制药可负担性均优于原研药;氯沙坦原研药和仿制药的可负担性均较差;公立医院药品可负担性均比零售药店药品可负担性差。结论:陕西省常见高血压药品的可负担性较差。建议国家相关部门做好原研药品价格调整与监管,鼓励和引导生产企业加快对应仿制药品的研发,不断优化公立医疗机构药品采购途径渠道,以提高高血压用药的可负担性。 Objective: To evaluate the affordability of antihypertensive drugs in Shaanxi Province, and to provide supportive evidence for the implementation of National Essential Medicines Policy in Shaanxi Province. Methods: A standard methodology(second edition) developed by World Health Origination(WHO) and Health Action International(HAI) was adopted to investigate the prices of 3 antihypertensive drugs(Amlodipine 5mg, Nifedipine 20 mg, Losartan 50mg) in 2010, 2012 and 2014 in the urban area of Shaanxi Province, and the affordability of antihypertensive drugs was evaluated by three different methods. Results: The affordability of those drugs was improved slightly from 2010 to 2014, and most of them were in unfavorable affordability during this period, especially originator brands whose affordability was than that of lower-priced generics. In addition, the affordability of drugs in hospitals was worse than that in retail pharmacies and the affordability of Losartan was low for both originator brand and lower-priced generics. Conclusion: The affordability of antihypertensive drugs was in unfavorable situation. The government should make effforts to oversee and adjust the price of originator brands medications, and the drug manufactures have to speed up the research and development of cheap generic drugs. Moreover, it is nesessary to optimize procurement of medications of public medical institutions, so as to promote the affordability of antihypertensive drugs.
出处 《中国药事》 CAS 2016年第6期564-569,共6页 Chinese Pharmaceutical Affairs
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(编号71473192) 美国中华医学基金会OC公开竞标项目(编号14-196) 西安交通大学青年教师跟踪支持项目(编号2015qngz05) 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助项目(编号sk2014041)
关键词 陕西省 高血压用药 可负担性 国家基本药物制度 Shaanxi Province antihypertensive drugs affordability National Essential Medicine Policy
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