
我国老年人监护评价机构的构建——基于美国的经验与启示 被引量:3

To Construct the Evaluation Institution for the Elderly Guardianship in China——Based on the American experience and enlightenment
摘要 老年人监护制度是我国应对老龄化挑战的手段之一。高龄独居、患有慢性病和失能的老年人发生悲剧事件的现象已经屡见不鲜,老年人监护制度能够在一定程度上防止类似事件的发生。许多老年人存在被监护的需求,但是并不符合现有法律规定的被监护的条件而不能得到监护。我国立法规定,除老年人的意定监护外,只有患有精神病的老年人是受监护法律保护的,并且涵盖在精神病患者监护立法中,适用精神病患者监护立法的规定。在实践中,精神病鉴定存在不足之处,如鉴定机构的业务范围不能涵盖老年人监护评价的需求、鉴定机构设置不统一、鉴定人员资质未统一、鉴定程序不完善。基于美国的经验与启示,构建我国老年人监护评价机构可以由受理与审查部门、评定部门完成,并配套相应的经费:居民或村民委员会是我国基层群众性自治组织,其作为老年人监护评价机构的受理与审查部门是不二的路径选择;我国可以在律师协会之中设立老年人法律委员会,在心理学会中设立老年人心理委员会;老年人法律委员会成员、老年人心理委员会成员与精神病鉴定人员组成评定队伍,评定部门的运行由当地的老龄办协调各组成单位完成。 The construction of the elderly guardianship system is one of the ways to cope with the challenges of aging. It is common to see the tragedies of the elderly who are living alone or suffering from chronic disease and dementia. To some extent, the elderly guardianship system can prevent the occurrence of such things. Many elderly people need guardianship from others. However, they cannot meet the requirements of guardianship as per the existing law and then in vain. The following are provisions of the legislation of China. Except for the elderly intended guardianship, the elderly patients with mental illness are protected by the guardianship law. And the guardianship of the elderly patients with mental illness is covered in the legislation of psychiatric patients. Those people are applicable to the provisions on the legislation of guardianship of psychiatric patients. In practice, there are deficiencies in the identification of mental illness. For example, appraisal agency business cannot cover the needs of the elderly care evaluation, identification of institutional settings is not unified, the qualification of personnel is not uniform and identification procedure is not perfect. As per the experience and enlightenment of the United States, the elderly guardianship evaluation institution should include the acceptance and examination departments and assessment departments. It also needs fund support. The residents or villagers committee is the grassroots organizations. Therefore, it is the best choice to do the jobs of acceptance and examination. It is advisable to establish the Legal Committee of the elderly in the Bar Association and Psychological Committee of the elderly in the Psychological Society. The evaluation team is composed of the senior members of the legal committee, the members of the psychological committee of the elderly and the identification member of mental illness. Evaluation department can be run by the local Aging Office to coordinate each unit.
作者 黄琴
出处 《四川理工学院学报(社会科学版)》 2016年第3期39-50,共12页 Journal of Sichuan University of Science & Engineering(Social Sciences Edition)
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究一般项目(13YJA820067)
关键词 老龄化 老年人监护 精神病鉴定 监护评价 评价机构 the agin the elderly guardianship identification of mental disease guardianship evaluation evaluation institution
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