目的通过对比分析某制革企业开展清洁生产管理前后化学性职业病危害因素检测结果,评估企业实施清洁生产管理对化学性职业病危害因素产生的控制效果。方法对该企业开展职业卫生学调查,对其实施清洁生产管理前后工作场所化学性职业病危害因素进行检测,并进行控制效果评价。结果该制革企业化学性职业病危害因素检测结果显示,苯、甲苯、二甲苯、苯乙烯、乙酸乙酯、丙酮、丁酮、粉尘等是该企业所存在主要的化学性职业病危害因素。在实施清洁生产前,开布车间开布机台、表处车间调油墨岗位的甲苯时间加权平均浓度和短时间接触浓度超标,最高浓度分别达61.72、117.84 mg/m^3,丙酮短时间接触浓度达453.26 mg/m^3,压延车间压延线高搅岗位粉尘时间加权平均浓度达10.70 mg/m^3,超过国家职业卫生标准限值。实施清洁生产后,各种化学性职业有害因素的时间加权平均浓度和短时间接触浓度均低于国家职业卫生标准限值,较实施清洁生产前明显降低。结论清洁生产管理对以有毒化学物质作为原辅材料的人工制革行业职业病危害因素的控制效果明显。
Objective To compare the results of chemical occupational hazards before and after implemented clean production management in a tanning enterprise,assessing the effect of the control measures about cleaner production management used for chemical occupational hazards. Methods To investigate the occupational hygiene of the enterprise detailedly,The occupational health survey and hazards detection were used to find the chemical poison exposure of each position,and to compare,analyze and appraise the effect of cleaner production management. Results This results of chemical detection of occupational hazard in this tanning enterprise showed that: the benzene,toluene,xylene,styrene,ethyl acetate,acetone,butanone,dust,etc were the main chemical occupational-disease-inductive factors. Before the implementation of cleaner production,CTWAand CSTELof toluene were 61. 72 mg / m^3,117. 84 mg/m^3 at the position of opening machine and the ink position,CTWAof dust was 10. 70 mg / m^3 at the position of high stirring position. After the implementation of cleaner production,various chemical factors of time weighted average concentration and short time exposure concentration limits were below the national occupational health standards,significantly lower than before the implementation of cleaner production. Conclusion The clean production management as a means of control on occupational hazard are effective in tanning enterprise.
Chinese Journal of Public Health Engineering
Cleaner production
Tanning enterprise
Occupational hazards