

An Analysis on the Autisms' Space-time Problem and Counterstrategies
摘要 研究和实践均表明自闭症人士存在着时空性的问题,如难以理解时间的进程,难以学会等待,难以对指向未来的事情充满期待,难以完成每个生命阶段的任务;在空间信息建构上优先加工局部或细节,追求常同的空间环境,拥有狭窄、封闭的个人和社会交往空间。他们需要外界为其提供时空方面的帮助,以更好地感知、内化时间和空间,在时空中定位自己。 Lots of study and practiced observation show that individuals with autism have a lot of problems of time and space.For example,they have difficults in understanding the process of time,waiting,looking forward to future,as well as achieving goals of every life stage.And in the construction of spatial information,they prefer to process local and details.They also pursue an environment that keeps the same.And they have narrow and closed personal space and social interaction space.To help them to locate themselves in space-time,outside world should provide supports to help them perceive and internalize time and space preferably.
作者 曾刚 于松梅
出处 《现代特殊教育》 2016年第12期16-21,共6页 Modern Special Education
基金 辽宁省教育科学"十二五"规划2015年度研究基地专项课题:特殊儿童的语言障碍及其教育干预研究(JG15ZXY17)的阶段性成果
关键词 时间 空间 自闭症 应对策略 time space autism counterstrategy
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