洞庭湖是长江最重要的调蓄湖泊之一,研究洞庭湖区域水土流失状况对洞庭湖区及长江流域生态环境问题都有重要意义。利用多期遥感数据,结合DEM数据、植被覆盖度数据、土地利用数据等,采用层次分析法和国家关于水土流失的评价指标进行因子权重确定,分析洞庭湖区水土流失变化情况。研究结果表明:洞庭湖区水土流失强度总体为中等,大部分区域水土流失集中在中度和轻度范围。从空间上来讲,洞庭湖区四水流域中上游水土流失强度比较高,尤其是澧水流域武陵山区和湘中红壤区水土流失现象严重。从时间上来讲,通过对三期水土流失强度图进行对比发现2004年较1995年极强度和强度水土流失面积减少了58 726.1hm^2;2013年较2004年极强度和强度水土流失面积减少了272 069.3hm^2,比例也有较大幅度减少,且水土流失强度总体向微度和轻度转移。通过分析洞庭湖区水土流失变化的原因,为洞庭湖区生态恢复、水土流失治理提供科学依据。
The Dongting Lake is one of the most important lakes of the Yangtze River.It has important significance of studying the water and soil loss situation of the Dongting Lake to the Yangtze River basin ecological problems.The article analyses the water and soil loss situation of the Dongting Lake region based on three remote sensing images,DEM data,vegetation coverage,and land use data of the Dongting Lake region by using analytic hierarchy process and the national indexes for weight assignment of indexes factor.The results showed that the Dongting Lake region of water and soil loss intensity was moderate overall.Water and soil loss intensity in most areas is concentrated in the moderate and mild.From the space is concerned,the Dongting Lake region of four rivers in upstream erosion intensity is relatively high,especially in Lishui River Basin Hunan Wuling Mountain and serious water and soil loss in red soil area.From the time in terms of the intensity map of water and soil loss,it reduces58,726.1hm2 in 2004 by comparing three founds compared with 1995;The area of pole strength and intensity water and soil loss reduces 272,069.3hm2 in 2013 compared with 2004,a relatively large proportion of water and soil loss intensity reduces and shifts to micro and minor.This shows that Dongting Lake region of water and soil loss situation had improved in recent years.It can provide scientific bases for ecological restoration and soil and water loss controlling by analyzing the causes of the Dongting Lake region of water and soil loss changes.
Journal of Hengyang Normal University
water and soil loss
Dongting Lake Region
remote sensing monitoring