[目的]研究生根粉不同用量和不同浸泡时间对宁杞7号硬枝扦插育苗的影响。[方法]应用α-萘乙酸生根粉,采用1 333倍液、2 000倍液、3 000倍液3种不同浓度,浸泡时间为24 h、30 h、48 h 3个时间段,共计10个处理组合,对宁杞7号插条进行处理,调查硬枝扦插的出苗率、生根数量、新生根平均根长,生长势。[结果]处理5(2 000倍液、30 h),出苗率最高为78;,其次是处理8(2 000倍液、48 h),出苗率为73%;第三是处理1(1 333倍液、24 h),出苗率为70%;其他各处理表现一般,略优于对照。α-萘乙酸生根粉对宁杞7号扦插苗生根数量、平均根长、生长势有显著促进作用。[结论]α-萘乙酸生根粉2 000倍液、浸泡30 h对宁杞7号硬枝扦插育苗有明显的促进作用。
[Objective] To study the effect of rooting powder on Lycium Barbarum L. cv. 'Ningqi-7' hardwood cuttings under different dosage and soaking time. [Method] NAA rooting powder soaked in the solutions of three different concentration, including 1 333 times solution, 2 000 times solution and 3 000 times solution for 24 h, 30 h, and 48 h respectively, followed by Lycium Barbarum L. cv. 'Ningqi-7' cutting processing to study hardwood cutting emergence rate, new newborn roots number, average root length, and growth tendency. [Results] Lycium Barbarum L. cv. 'Ningqi-7' with 2 000 times solution and 30 h had the highest germination rate, 78%, followed by 2 000 times solution and 48 h with germination rate 73%, and1 333 times solution and 24 h with germination rate 70%. The rest showed common performance, though slightly better than that of the control group. NAA on rooting powder had positive role on new root number, average root length, and growth tendency of Lycium Barbarum L. cv. 'Ningqi-7' cutting. [Conclusion] NAA rooting powder with 2 000 times solution and 30 h soaking time had better role on Lycium Barbarum L. cv. 'Ningqi-7' hardwood cutting.
Journal of Ningxia Agriculture and Forestry Science and Technology
Lycium BarbarumL.cv.'Ningqi-7'
NAA rooting powder
Hardwood cutting