为减轻豇豆炭疽病发生危害,减少化学农药用量、残留和环境污染,采用测报调查、随机区组设计和统计分析等方法,开展了生物农药几丁聚糖、生化复配制剂咪鲜·几丁糖和化学农药苯醚甲环唑、噻呋酰胺防治豇豆炭疽病田间药效试验。结果表明:在温室大棚秋季豇豆炭疽病发生较重情况下,每公顷用2%几丁聚糖AS 2250 g、46%咪鲜·几丁糖EW 450 g、10%苯醚甲环唑WG 900 g(对照药剂)和24%噻呋酰胺SC 360 m L,5~8天施药1次,连续施用3次,药后7、14、20天,防治效果均在83%、78%和73%以上,且4种药剂防治效果差异不显著,该4种药剂尤其是几丁聚糖和咪鲜·几丁糖不仅可以作为防治炭疽病的理想药剂,而且可以作为现代农业示范区、无公害农产品、绿色农产品和有机农产品的理想药剂,确保现代农业、绿色农业、有机农业和生态农业发展需要。
In order to mitigate the occurrence and damage of cowpea anthracnose, and reduce the chemicalpesticide consumption, residue and environmental pollution, the methods of forecasting, randomized blockdesign and statistical analysis were adopted in the field efficacy tests, to study the control effect of biopesticidechitosan, biochemical compounding agent Prochloraz- Chitosan and chemical pesticide difenoconazole andthifluzamide. The results showed that under serious cowpea anthracnose occurrence, the control efficacy on the7 th, 14 thand 20thday of application was more than 83%, 78% and 73% with the application amount of 2%chitosan AS 2250 g/hm2, 46% prochloraz-chitosan EW 450 g/hm2, 10% difenoconazole WG 900 g/hm2(CK)and 24% thifluzamide SC 360 m L/hm2, applied three times, once every 5-8 days. The control effects of the fourkinds of agents were not significantly different, and chitosan and prochloraz-chitosan were the ideal agents tocontrol cowpea anthracnose, which could be used in modern agricultural demonstration zones and meet therequirement of non- pollution agricultural products, green agricultural products and organic agriculturalproducts, and could ensure the development of modern, green, organic and ecological agricultural production.
Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin