
2012年新疆维吾尔自治区人群棘球蚴病流行病学调查 被引量:23

Epidemiological Survey of Echinococcosis in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region in 2012
摘要 目的 了解棘球蚴病在新疆维吾尔自治区(简称新疆)人群的流行情况,为实行分类指导、制定适合新疆特点的防治规划提供科学依据。 方法 于2012年3-10月以新疆14地(州)的92个县(市、区)为调查单位,每个调查单位选择农业、牧业、半农牧业和城镇4个乡(镇、场)为调查点,在每个乡(镇、场)调查全年龄组人群800人,每县共调查3 200人。采用腹部B超检查进行诊断,对疑似病例辅以血清学抗体检测。 结果 全区共调查293 140人,棘球蚴病患病率为0.14%(407/293 140)。其中,北疆地区患病率为0.18%(290/158 985),占总病例数的71.25%(290/407),南疆地区患病率为0.09%(117/134 155)占总病例数的28.75%(117/407),两个地区的患病率间差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。病例主要分布在乌鲁木齐市(19.90%,81/407)、塔城地区(13.27%,54/407例)、伊犁哈萨克自治州(13.02%,53/407)和昌吉回族自治州(9.83%,40/407),占病例总数的56.02%(228/407)。蒙古族和柯尔克孜族患病率较高,分别为0.42%(21/5 045)和0.35%(32/9 045),均高于其他民族(0.07%~0.22%)(P<0.05)。男性和女性患病率分别为0.13%(195/144 715)和0.14%(212/148 425),两者差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。0~9岁年龄组患病率最低,为0.07%(7/10 754),70~79岁和80~99岁年龄组患病率较高,分别为0.27%(33/12 310)和0.28%(7/2 461),患病率随年龄增大呈上升趋势;在年龄构成上,以30~49岁人群为多(43%,175/407)。文盲人群的患病率最高,为0.25%(39/15 470),高于其他人群(0.06%~0.14%)(P<0.05)。牧民患病率最高,为0.29%(63/22 074)高于其他职业人群(0.00%~0.13%)(P<0.05)。牧区、农区、半农半牧区和城镇的患病率分别为0.16%(70/44 247)、0.16%(181/113 016)、0.12%(88/70 610)和0.10%(68/65 267),其中� Objective To understand the endemic status of echinococcosis in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, to provide scientific basis for planning and promoting control measures in this region. Methods Eight hundred people of all age ranges were examined in each of the selected agricultural area, pastoral area, pastoral-agricultural area, and township area of 92 counties in 14 prefectures in Xinjiang during March and October of 2012, resulting in a total of 3 200 people surveyed in each county. B ultrasonic abdominal scan was performed, accompanied by serum antibody detection for suspected cases. Results A total of 293 140 people were examined. The overall morbidity was 0.14%(407/293 140). The morbidity in the north region was 0.18%(290/158 985, 71.25%of all the cases), and that in the south region was 0.09%(117/134 155, 28.75% of all the cases)(P〈0.05 between the regions). The cases were mainly distributed in Urumqi City(19.90%, 81/407), Tarbagatai Prefecture(13.27%, 54/407), Yili Kazak Autonomous Prefecture(13.02%, 53/407) and Changji Hui Autonomous Prefecture(9.83%, 40/407). The prevalence was higher in Mongolian[0.42%(21/5 045)] and Kirgiz [0.35%(32/9 045)] than in other ethnic groups(0.07%-0.22%)(P〈0.05). There was no significant difference in prevalence between males[0.13%(195/144 715)] and females[0.14%(212/148 425)] (P〉0.05). The prevalence was lowest in the 0-9 year group[0.07%(7/10 754)], and higher in the the age groups of 70-79[0.27%(33/12 310)] and 80-99 years[0.28%(7/2 461)], showing a trend of elevation with ageing. Further, the cases were mainly in the population of 30-49 years(43%, 175/407). The prevalence was higher in the uneducated[0.25%, 39/15 470] than in the educated populations(0.06%-0.14%)(P〈0.05), and higher in pastoralists[0.29%, 63/22 074] than in populations with other occupations(0.00%-0.13%)(P〈0.05). The prevalence in pastoral area, agricultural area, pastoral-agricultural area, and townshi
出处 《中国寄生虫学与寄生虫病杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第3期249-254,共6页 Chinese Journal of Parasitology and Parasitic Diseases
关键词 新疆 棘球蚴病 流行病学 人群 患病率 调查 Xinjiang Echinococcosis Epidemiology Population Prevalence Survey
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