针对多数企业有多个系统对其业务数据进行管理,而不同软件开发商的数据存放方式和数据库差异性又导致对数据库的数据整合与分析非常困难,通过对河南省邮政信息系统中报表工具的应用进行分析,使用Fine Report报表工具进行实践和探索,设计了一个Fine Report报表系统,实现了对数据的高效分析、使用和管理。
For the majority of enterprises have multiple systems to their business data management, and software developers different data storage and database difference and cause of database data integration and analysis is very difficult, through the report tool in Henan Province postal information system application analysis, practice and exploration using finereport report tool design a finereport report system, to achieve the efficient analysis of data, use and management.
Computer & Network