

A Probe into the Etiquette System concerning“Son as the Emperor and Father as a Minister”
摘要 "子君父臣"是中国传统社会中一种特殊的父子关系。中国传统社会中历来崇尚"父为子纲"的观念。宗室中,由于皇位多是父子相传,使得皇室内部君臣关系与父子关系得到平衡。"子君父臣"现象是因皇位过继继承产生,历代应对这一现象的方式各不相同。晚清时期,由于皇帝由宗室入继大宗而继承皇位,使得"子君父臣"现象尤为突出。与前代相比,最直接的变化就是作为臣子的父亲如何面对作为君主的儿子。为此,清代采取弱化皇帝本生父与皇帝间君臣关系的办法,采取折中的方式,以应对这一特殊的父子关系。 The phenomenon of "the son as the emperor and his father as a minister" was a special relationship between father and son in traditional Chinese society. In this society, people worshiped the concept of the son's absolute obedience to his father. In an imperial clan, the throne was mostly inherited from father. This balanced the relationship between the emper- or and his minister(s) and that between father and his son. The phenomenon of "the son as the emperor and his father as a minister" was caused by the fact that the throne was obtained not through inheritance. People dealt with such phenomenon with different ways in different dynasties. In late Qing Dynasty, because a member of the imperial clan mounted to the throne, such phenomenon became even more striking. Compared with the previous generation, the most notable change was how a father as a minister faced his son who was his emperor. To cope with such problem, the dynasty took a method which weakened the re- lationship between the emperor and his father and that between the emperor and his ministers in an attempt to deal with such special relationship between father and his son.
作者 王新玮
出处 《内江师范学院学报》 2016年第7期91-94,共4页 Journal of Neijiang Normal University
关键词 清代 子君父臣 父子关系 礼仪 Qing Dynasty son as the emperor and his father as a minister etiquette
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