目的研究2种喹啉有机锗倍半氧化物与小牛胸腺DNA(CT - DNA)和2种人工合成的寡聚核苷酸(22聚AT碱基对d(AT)22和22聚GC碱基对d(GC)22的相互作用,以便揭示化合物的抗癌作用机制。方法综合应用紫外-可见分光光度法(UV-Vis)、热变性(melting temperature studies)、荧光光谱变化(fluorescence tition experiments)、黏度测定(viscosity measurements)等方法,研究了2种喹啉有机锗倍半氧化物与3种DNA的相互作用。结果有机锗化合物与CT-DNA结合后,它们的UV - Vis光谱均发生了不同程度的减色效应和红移现象,相对荧光强度显著增强;化合物能使DNA的热变温度(Tm)提高、黏度增强;通过荧光滴定数据计算得到相应的结合常数(10^4-10^5L/mol)。结论喹啉有机锗倍半氧化物能够与DNA以插入方式结合,喹啉基团与有机锗的协同作用增强了抗癌活性,DNA可能是其作用靶点。这些结果对进一步合成高效低毒的有机锗抗癌药物、揭示它们的抗癌作用机制具有重要的参考价值。
Objective To study the interaction of two novel qttinoline-organogermanium sesquioxides with calf thymus DNA(CT-DNA) and two synthetic oligonucleotides, d (AT) 22 and d (GC) 22, and reveal the anti- cancer mechanism of the organogermanium compounds. Methods The interaction was investigated by absorption spectroscopy, DNA thermal denaturalization, viscosity, and fluorometric titration method. The binding constants were calculated from fluorescence-titration data by nonlinear least-squares analysis. Results The new compounds could interact with DNA by intercalation. The binding constants of the compounds with CT-DNA and the synthetic oligonucleotides were found to be on the order of 104-105 L/mol. Conclusion DNA may be the primary effect target of the quinoline-organogermanium sesquioxides. These results provided the important information for the design and synthesis of new types of organogermanium compounds with stronger anticancer activity.
Journal of Jining Medical University
Supported by the Natural Science Foundation of Shandong Province,China(ZR2011HL003)