目的通过挑战型生物PCD验证不同尺寸和重量的器械包的包装形式对过氧化氢低温等离子体灭菌效果的影响。方法采用过氧化氢低温等离子体生物PCD验证装置,对不同尺寸和重量的器械包灭菌效果进行监测。结果每个器械包的尺寸要求应不大于250 mm×500mm×60 mm,每盒器械重量应不大于4㎏,本试验用灭菌器(PS-100X型)每锅次装放应不大于8 kg,尺寸、重量大的灭菌包,灭菌后生物PCD培养呈阳性;尺寸、重量符合要求的灭菌包,灭菌后生物PCD培养呈阴性。结论不同尺寸和重量器械包会影响过氧化氢低温等离子体的灭菌效果,甚至导致灭菌失败。
Objective The effect of different size and weight of verification by challenging biological PCD of the instrument package packing forms of hydrogen peroxide low-temperature plasma sterilization. Methods Depending on the size and weight of the equipment sterilization package effects were monitored by application of testing device of hydrogen peroxide low-temperature plasma biological PCD. Results Each instrument package size requirements shall be not more than 250 mm×500 mm×60 mm,each box weights should be less than 4 kg. This experiment with sterilizer(PS-100 X type) per pot time loading should be less than 8 kg,more than the standard size and weight of sterilization package,sterilization and biological PCD culture was positive,The size and weight of sterilization package in accordance with the requirements,after sterilization of biological PCD culture,which were negative. Conclusion Different sizes and weights of the package would influence on the effect of hydrogen peroxide low-temperature plasma sterilization,and even which lead to failure of sterilization.
China Health Standard Management
Hydrogen peroxide low temperature plasma
Sterilization effect
Biological PCD monitoring