
电针联合康复训练治疗鼻咽癌放疗后噎膈举隅 被引量:1

Electric Acupuncture and Rehabilitation Treatment of Choke Diaphragmatic with Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma after Radiotherapy in 1 Case
摘要 报告1例电针联合康复训练治疗鼻咽癌放疗后噎膈。吞咽困难,饮食、水呛咳4月余。诊见吞咽困难,声音嘶哑,发声无力,吐字不清,饮食、水呛咳,口干喜饮水,舌边、尖,口角麻木,伴头昏,情绪低落,易疲乏,大便干结,3~5d/次,无恶寒发热,胸闷气短,咳嗽、气喘等症,舌质干红,有裂纹,脉细数,纳眠差,小便正常。治以通经活络,补气滋阴。针刺:百会、下关(双侧)、颊车(双侧)、廉泉、天突、内关(双侧)、足三里(双侧)、太溪(双侧);配穴:听宫、人迎、印堂、外金津、外玉液、三阴交、合谷;辅以张口、舌肌、刺激唾液分泌、发音等训练,治疗5d,间隔休息2d,连续治疗5次,吞咽困难、声嘶明显好转,吐字稍清楚,喜与人交谈,偶有呛咳,口干、舌尖、口角麻木缓解,眠可,纳尚可,二便调,舌红苔薄,脉濡。 Report one case of electric acupuncture and rehabilitation treatment of choke diaphragmatic with nasopharyngeal carcinoma after radiotherapy.He has 4 months with difficulty swallowing, choking cough.Now there are difficulty swallowing, voice hoarse, voice, enunciation unclear, food, water, choking cough, dry mouth like water, the tongue edge, pointed, spat numbness, dizziness, depression, easy fatigue, stool stem node, 3~5d/a, no evil cold fever, chest condition, disease such as cough,asthma,dry red tongue, have crack, pulse count,poor sleep, urinate normally.With collaterals, invigorating qi Yin. Acupuncture treatment. Main point: the Bai hu, Lian quan, Tian tu and The Xia guan, Jia che,Nei guan, Zu san li,Tai xi, where both sides; Match point: the Ting gong, Ren ying, Yin tang, Wai jinjing, Wai yuyie, San yinjiao, He gu; With open mouth, tongue muscle, stimulate the production of saliva, pronunciation training, curative effect is remarkable. Qiuling professor use of combining traditional Chinese and western medicine, the source of traditional Chinese medicine treatment of the base, heavy psychological adjustment to treat disease of critical illness.
出处 《实用中医内科杂志》 2016年第6期94-95,共2页 Journal of Practical Traditional Chinese Internal Medicine
关键词 鼻咽癌放疗术后 噎膈 电针 康复训练 中医药治疗 nasopharyngeal carcinoma after radiotherapy Yege electric acupuncture rehabilitation training nasopharyngeal carcinoma radiotherapy postoperatively choke diaphragmatic traditional Chinese medicine treatment
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