目的探讨CagA阳性Hp感染与消化性溃疡、胃炎等胃及十二指肠疾病的关系.方法采用ELISA法对Hp阳性(^(13)C-呼气试验为阳性)、胃黏膜快速尿素酶联免疫法阳性的512例胃十二指肠疾病患者及80例对照者(健康体检:^(13)C-呼气试验为阴性、胃黏膜快速尿素酶联免疫法阴性)行血清CagA抗体检测.512例胃十二指肠疾病患者中慢性浅表性胃炎(CSG)184例,慢性萎缩性胃炎(CAG)120例,十二指肠球溃疡(DU)100例,胃溃疡(GU)108例.结果 CagA抗体阳性检出率对照组为30%,慢性浅表性胃炎组阳性率为61.96%,慢性萎缩性胃炎组阳性率为63.33,十二指肠溃疡组阳性率为68.00%,胃溃疡组阳性率为74.07%.胃十二指肠疾病患者CagA阳性总检出率为66.02%,与对照组比较,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05).结论胃十二指肠疾病Hp阳性感染者中CagA抗体阳性总检出率明显高于对照组,提示CagA抗体阳性感染与胃十二指肠疾病密切相关;两组胃炎患者CagA抗体阳性检出率明显高于对照组,提示CagA抗体阳性感染与胃炎密切相关;胃十二指肠溃疡患者CagA抗体阳性检出率明显高于对照组,提示CagA抗体阳性感染与消化性溃疡密切相关.
Objective To explore the relationship between CagA positive Helicobacter pylori infection and gastroduodenal disease such as peptic ulcer and gastritis. Method The serum CagA antibody concentrations of 512 Hp positive patients with gastroduodenal disease and 80 controls were detected by ELISA method. The detection results of the patients were both positive in 13 C-breath test and gastric mucosa rapid urease enzyme- linked immunoassay, but the results of the controls only showed positive in gastric mucosa rapid urease enzyme- linked immunoassay. Among the 512 patients, 184 patients had chronic superficial gastritis (CSG), 120 cases had chronic atrophic gastritis (CAG), 100 patients had duodenal ulcer (DU) ,and 108 patients suffered from gastric ulcer (GU). Results The positive detection rates of CagA antibody in control group of 30% (24/80),chronic superficial gastritis group of 61. 96% (114/184), chronic atrophic gastritis group of 63. 33% (76/120), duodenal ulcer group of 68.00% (68/100) and gastric ulcer group of 74.07% (80/108). The total positive rate of the gastroduodenal disease group was 66.02% (338/512) , and the difference was significant compared with the control group( P〈0.05 ). Conclusion The result of higher positive detection rate of CagA antibody in the patients group compared with the control group,indicates that CagA antibody positive infection is closely related to gastroduodenal disease. The positive rates of CagA antibody in the two gastritis group are higher than those in the normal group, which suggests that the CagA antibody positive infection is closely related with gastritis. And the higher positive rate in the patients with gastroduodenal ulcer compared with the controls demonstrates that CagA antibody positive infection is closely related with peptic ulcer.
Journal of Beihua University(Natural Science)