
纳米TiO_(2-x)(BN)_x材料制备及其光催化性能研究 被引量:2

Preparation and photocatalytic properties of the nano-TiO_(2-x)(BN)_x materials
摘要 首次使用常温络合-控制水解法,以TiCl_4、氨水、尿素、硼酸、有机羧酸为主要原料,制备了硼氮共掺杂的纳米TiO_2光触媒乳液。样品的粒径、晶型、元素类型、光吸收能力及结合键能分别通过纳米激光粒度分析仪、X射线衍射仪(XRD)、能谱仪(EDS)、X射线光电子谱仪(XPS)等进行表征。结果表明:当B和N离子的掺杂物质的量分数为0.1%时,溶液中粒径最小,达到3.4 nm;掺杂少量B和N离子并不会改变TiO_2的晶型;测量值与实际投料值一致;在TiO_2中加入适量B和N离子,会使其光谱吸收范围红移;掺杂的B和N离子进入了TiO_2晶格,分别形成了O—Ti—N键和B—N键。以酸性红3R染料为降解材料,研究了硼氮共掺杂纳米TiO_2光触媒的催化特性。结果表明,当物质的量分数为0.1%、回流时间为10 min、溶液p H=3时,光催化性能最好,原因可能是10 min的回流时间使光触媒复合乳液达到稳定,溶液p H=3时,光触媒表面吸附的染料分子数与表面的羟基数达到了平衡。动力学研究表明酸性红3R染料的降解符合一级反应动力学。试验结果与表征结果一致。 The paper is intended to bring about an improved technology for preparing nano-TiO_2-x(BN)xmaterials by way of sythesizing titanium tetrachloride,ammonia,urea,boric acid,and a kind of organic carboxylic acid as the main source materials through boron and nitrogen elements codoped for the nano-TiO_2 photocatalytic emulsion at room temperature-controlled hydrolysis.We have also explored the size diameter,crystalline,element type,the capacity of the light absorption,a bond of samples by means of a nano laser particle size analyzer,X-ray diffraction(XRD),energy-dispersive spectrometer(EDS),UV-Vis spectrophotometer,X-ray photoelectron spectrometer(XPS),respectively.The results of our experimetnal study indicate that when the doping concentration of boron and nitrogen is kept at a level of0.1%,the diameter of its particle size tends to get to the minimal least with its diameter of 3.4 nm,less than the other doping concentrations.Thus,a small amount of nonmetallic ions may fail to dope to cause the change of crystalline.And,the measured values can thus be consistent with the actual added concentration of the emulsion.However,if a small amount of boron and nitrogen ions can be added,it would be possible for the doped boron and nitrogen ions to cause a red shift as compared with pure TiO_2.At this moment,the boron and nitrogen doped would enter into the TiO_2 crystal lattice wth the formed structure of B—N and O—Ti—N,which may help to ensure a better photocatalytic feature.Thus,the experiments we have done have shown that,when the molar doping concentration of boron and nitrogen is0.1%,the reflux time should be 10 min,and the p H value in the solution is equal to 3,the optimal photocatalytic effect can thus be achieved,whose A/A0 value should be less than 4%.The reason is that it is likely for the reflux time of 10 min to help to achieve an excellent stability among the composite photocatalytic emulsions.However,if p H value is kept at 3,it would be possble for the number of dye molecules to be absor
出处 《安全与环境学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第3期237-241,共5页 Journal of Safety and Environment
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(21201053) 河北省教育厅基金项目(ZD2016055) 河北省研究生创新项目(S2016023)
关键词 环境工程学 硼氮共掺杂 常温络合-控制水解 TiO_2光触媒 environmental engineering boron and nitrogen codoped com-plexation at room temperature-controlled hydrolysis TiO2 photocatalysts
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