据福建省 2 32块毛竹枯梢病 ( Ceratosphaeria phyllostachydis Zhang)林分病情样地调查分析 ,表明病害发生发展与林分结构关系密切 .并由 96块有代表性的样地推导出毛竹枯梢病感病指数与林分结构中的林龄、胸径、整齐度、均匀度、林分组成以及当年新竹占各度竹比例等因子的数学模型为 :Y=43.5 2 64- 1 6.3338C11- 1 1 .6346C12 - 8.1 5 4 6C2 1- 3.8438C2 2 - 8.40 96C3 1-3.7837C3 2 - 5 .5 81 5 C41- 3.774C42 - 0 .1 1 1 1 C51+ 1 .432 8C52 - 2 .1 5 1 9C61- 2 .6970 C62 ,其偏相关系数为 :0 .75 97、 0 .4668、 0 .5 4 78、 0 .2 780、 0 .1 5 2 9、 0 .2 2 4 2 ,复相关系数为 0 .91 66.用此模型对福建省 1 989~ 1 997年设置的 5 6块样地的应用判别准确率为 70 .3% .
From 1989 to 1997,an intensive investigation on the disease index and stand growth factors of the dieback blight of Phyllostachys heterocycla was performed in Fujian province The data analysis of 96 plots of Phyllostachys pubescens indicated that the disease index correlates to stand growth factors The ecological model of the dieback blight of Phyllostachys heterocycla was established as follows:Y=43 526 4-16 333 8C 11 -11 634 6C 12 -8 154 6C 21 -3 843 8C 22 -8 409 6C 31 -3 783 7C 32 -5 581 5C 41 -3 774C 42 -0 111 1C 51 +1 432 8C 52 -2 151 9C 61 -2 697 0C 62 In this formula Y represents forest disease index and C 11 ~C 62 represents ecological factors(level) According to the investigation and analysis,the occurrence and development of the dieback blight of Phyllostachys heterocycla is an integrated result of a long time reciprocity of different forest factors On the basis of the model,assistant forecasting technique and ecological control by afforestation were put forward
Journal of Fujian College of Forestry
福建省林业厅"毛竹枯梢病综合治理"专题研究 (闽林科 [1992 ] 0 2 3 )
the dieback blight of Phyllostachys heterocycla
stand growth construction
afforestation control