This essay conducts empirical tests on the influence on the level of urban land intensive use by the scale structure of urban system, using dynamic panel data model based on the Provincial Panel Data in China during 2006 - 2011. The results show that the intensive use level of urban land is the shape of " inverted U" in the urban system of a region, with higher degree of concentration of the scale structure of ur- ban system. That means, compared with the urban system of o- ver dispersion or over concentration, the intensive use level is higher in urban system of structure coordination. Moreover, with the increasing of urbanization rate, the degree of the " inverted U" effect on the scale structure of urban system to the level of urban land intensive use will be further strengthened. The ur- banization strategy of over dispersion or over concentration in the structure of urban system is not conducive to urban land inten- sive use, but the coordinated development of large, medium and small sized cities is a more effective way to improve the level of urban land intensive use.
Urban Problems