目的通过分析艾滋病自愿咨询检测(VCT)结果的信息,了解北京市密云县艾滋病自愿咨询检测者HIV感染状况,并制定本地区VCT服务的对策,更有效地预防和控制艾滋病的传播。方法收集2011-2013年密云县3家艾滋病自愿咨询检测(VCT)门诊2 030例自愿咨询检测者的信息,分析其性别、年龄、文化程度等一般资料,暴露因素与HIV感染率的关系。结果在2 030例VCT中,HIV阳性7例,全为男性,阳性率0.3%;梅毒RPR阳性72例,阳性率3.5%。咨询检测者中31.24%有非婚异性性行为史,6.1%有男男同性性行为。结论开展艾滋病自愿咨询检测(VCT),不仅可以尽早发现、及时治疗和预防感染,而且还可以有效减少危险性行为,预防艾滋病(AIDS)的传播。不断探索VCT服务模式,将高危行为干预、主动监测、预防母婴传播等工作有机结合,不断调整VCT服务策略,提高服务质量,使艾滋病自愿咨询检测在艾滋病防治工作中发挥更大作用。
Objective To understand the HIV infection status in Miyun district through analysis of AIDS voluntary counseling detection( VCT) results of the information,formulate the countermeasures VCT services,prevent and control the spread of AIDS more effectively. Methods From 2011 to 2013,the information of 2030 cases of voluntary counseling and testing were included in the study. The cases were from 3 AIDS voluntary counseling and testing( VCT) clinic in Miyun. The gender,age,culture degree and the relation between exposure and HIV infection rate were analyzed. Results In 2030 cases of VCT,7 cases were HIV positive,100% were male,the positive rate was 0. 3%. 72 cases were RPR positive,the positive rate was 3. 5%. 31. 24% of them had unmarried sexual behavior,6. 1% had same-sex sexual behavior with man. Conclusion VCT can be used to found,timely treat and prevent the infection of AIDS,it can effectively reduce sexual risk behavior. We should continue to explore the VCT service model,the high-risk behavior intervention,active monitoring,prevention of vertical transmission. The VCT service strategy should be constantly adjusted to improve the quality of service,so that the AIDS voluntary counseling and testing to play a greater role in the AIDS prevention and control work.
Capital Journal of Public Health