
中国国花:历史选择与现实借鉴 被引量:13

The National Flower of China:Historical Options and Contempory Considerations
摘要 我国迄今没有法定意义上的国花,历史上却有一些传统说法和既定事实。唐宋以来,牡丹、梅花雄视群芳,深受人们推崇。明清时北京地区有些牡丹景点以"国花"命名,民国初年人们多视牡丹为国花。"五四"新文化运动后,人们对牡丹的国花之称出于帝制时代、意在富贵荣华等多感不满,而主张选用富含精神品格象征意义的菊、梅等。北伐战争胜利后,南京国民政府内政、教育等部门拟议梅花为国花,产生了一定的社会影响。1929年2月,国民政府正式通令全国以梅花为各种徽饰,客观上承认了梅花的国花地位,社会各界更是热情响应,造成梅花为国花的既定事实。深入审视上述国花有关历史,有这样几点经验和启迪值得注意:一、国花是重要的国家象征资源和民族文化符号,广大民众对此有着普遍的文化期待和知识需求,必须引起重视。二、国花是"国家大事",以国家层面的政治决议、法律法令最为权威,是解决国花问题最理想的方式。三、牡丹、梅花双峰并峙的地位是历史地形成的,民国间对牡丹、梅花前后不同的选择充分体现了两花象征意义的两极互补,两花并尊是我国国花的最佳选择。四、牡丹、梅花作为我国国花的历史值得全面尊重,牡丹、梅花是海峡两岸全体中国人共同的国花,两花并尊是中华文化兼融并蓄、国家和平统一的美好象征。 There has been no officially-recognized national flower so far in China except certain traditional versions or established facts. The peony and the plum blossom have beenheld in high esteem since the Tang and Song Dynasties. In the early years of the Republic of China,the peony was regarded as the national flower as the term was used to name some scenic areas featuring peonies in Beijing during the Ming and Qing Dynasties. But it was abandoned after the New Culture Movement due to its feudalistic origin and the implication for official success. People chose the chrysanthemum and the plum blossom as substitutes out of their symbolism for noble spirits. After the Northern Expedition,the plum blossom was proposed to be the national flower by some Departments of the Nanjing Nationalist Government such as the Interior and the Education,which produced certain social impact at that time. In February,1929,the Government 's announcement to apply the plum blossom on official badges and ornaments amounted to an official recognition its status as the national flower, and the enthusiasm from all circles turned it into an established fact. The history of the national flower can offer us the following inspirations. Firstly,great importance should be attached to the selection of the national flower since it is closely related to national image and is a cultural symbol of the Chinese people. Secondly,as a matter of the state level,the national flower should ideally be decided on the state level in the form of political decision,laws or decrees in order to pronounce its authority. Thirdly,the historical coexistence of the peony and the plum blossom and their alternation during the Republican Period proves that they are mutually complementary on the symbolic level,making it necessary to institute both as our national flowers and make sure that they are equally valued and respected. Fourthly,we should respect the history of both the peony and the plum blossom and value the fact that they have served as the national flowers of Chin
作者 程杰
出处 《中国文化研究》 北大核心 2016年第2期1-19,共19页 Chinese Culture Research
关键词 国花 牡丹 梅花 the national flower the peony the plum blossom
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