Because Daqing oilfield is low abundance Putaohua thin interbed development, the loss reserves is larger and the relationship between injection and production is imperfect when using the conventional horizontal wells development. The reservoir producing ratio can be increased by breaking the traditional high fracturing fracture-control philosophy and optimizing fracturing process parameter. The horizontal well translayer fracturing technology principle was analyzed, the effects of fracturing were evaluated and the improving translayer fracturing success rate method was discussed in this paper. 165 wells have been tested on site. The translayer technology success rate is 93%. The producing ratio of single well longitudinal object layer is 100%. Compared with block of the same conventional fracturing horizontal wells, the construction scale is 0.97 times. After initial period of the translayer fracturing for single well, the increasing oil per day is 1.25 times, cumulative increasing oil is 1.26 times, some better yield-increasing effects can be achieved. The higher yield-increasing with less wells and overall use of the difficult-to-produce reserves can be realized by the technology of controllable translayer fracturing for the horizontal well.
Energy Conservation in Petroleum & PetroChemical Industry
low permeability Putaohua thin interbed
horizontal well translayer fracturing
parameter optimization
effect comparison