
创业团队文化多样性与互联网创业融资--基于产品众筹数据的实证分析 被引量:22

Cultural Diversity of Entrepreneurial Team and Internet Entrepreneurial Financing——Empirical Research Based on Products Crowd-funding Data
摘要 互联网技术的出现和发展极大地改变了创业者的融资模式,也对与创业团队文化多样性相关的经济学、管理学理论提出了新的挑战。本文利用数据挖掘技术生成的截面数据库,就创业团队文化多样性对互联网创业融资绩效影响的问题进行了实证研究。结果发现,创业团队文化多样性对互联网创业融资绩效的影响存在"倒U型"关系,创业团队的教育与创业经验水平对上述影响关系具有调节作用,教育与创业经验的提升能够降低团队文化多样性的创业融资绩效影响。有鉴于此,为了更好地提升互联网创业融资绩效,创业团队应保持适度的文化多样性,并积极优化创业团队的教育与创业经验水平,以确保文化多样性对创业融资绩效的促进作用。 The emerging and development of Internet technologies have dramatically changed the ways in which entrepreneurs raise funds, and have posed new challenges to economics and management theories related to entrepreneurial teams' cultural diversity. Using data mining technology, we generate a cross-section database, and conduct empirical research on the influence of entrepreneurial teams' cultural diversity on Internet entrepreneurial financing performance.. We have found that teams' cultural diversity has an inverted U-shape effect on Internet entrepreneurial financing performance, and teams' education levels and entrepreneurial experience moderate the above relationship, which indicates that the improvement of teams' education levels and entrepreneurial experience can reduce cultural diversity's effect on Internet entrepreneurial financing performance. Based on empirical researches, we suggest to enhancing the entrepreneurial financing performance, and the entrepreneurial team should keep an intermediate cultural diversity, as well as reinforcing positive influence of cultural diversity on entrepreneurial financing performance by improving entrepreneurial teams' education levels and entrepreneurial experience.
作者 刘刚 王泽宇
出处 《财贸经济》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第6期113-128,共16页 Finance & Trade Economics
基金 国家自然科学基金项目“双层级市场结构下的供应商要素品牌化竞争优势形成机制及其对绩效的影响研究”(71572083) 天津市2015哲学社会科学规划项目“互联网经济下天津市制造型企业服务化转型升级战略”(TJGL15-051) 教育部人文社会科学研究项目“动态环境下企业营销动态能力:模型、机制与开发应用策略研究”(13XJC630010)
关键词 互联网创业 创业团队 文化多样性 创业融资 数据挖掘 Internet Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneurial Team, Cultural Diversity, Entrepreneurial Financing, Data Mining
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