It is an urgent problem to screen children with strabismus, anisometr-
opia and ametropia which hinder them in developing visual acuity. The
method must be objective, rapid, inexpensive and casy to manipulate and
analyse without need of any patient's cooperation.
This screening method is to take photograph of corneal and fundus ref-
lexes simultaneously at a distance of one meter. The optical princip1e is
based on Hirschberg test(from the corneal reflex)and static photorefraction
(from the fundus reflex ). With the induced formula, we can measure and
calculate accurately the refractiye state. The method is very sensitive with
the 'blind zone' of only --2D to 0D. The result agrees with that obtained
from the conventional skiascopy, which is objective and accurate yet time-
consuming with need of patient's cooperation. This method was verified by
preliminary application to be suitable for screening children with strabis-
mus, anisometropia and ametropia.
Chinese Journal of Biomedical Engineering