目的分析城乡接合部外来务工人员和本地常住人口梅毒患者梅毒螺旋体抗体及其他传染性标志物检测情况和临床特征,为梅毒的预防和治疗提供参考。方法按外来务工人员和本地常住人口分组,收集鹿城区人民医院梅毒患者的TPPA、TRUST、HBs Ag、HCV抗体和HIV抗体测定数据,明确梅毒分期,进行统计学分析。结果外地组TPPA、HBs Ag、抗HIV抗体、抗HCV抗体阳性率均高于本地组,TPPA阳性率差异具有统计学意义(P〈0.05)。2组TPPA阳性率均以26岁~35岁最高,不同性别效价差异无统计学意义(P〉0.05),阳性人数均随着效价的升高而下降。外地组显性梅毒比例高于本地组,差异具有统计学意义(P〈0.05)。结论与本地组相比,外地组具有梅毒和其他传染性疾病高感染率的特点,应加强对外来务工人员进行梅毒等传染性疾病的监测,控制疫情,减少社会危害。
Objective To analyze the detection and clinical features of syphilis antibody and other infectious markers in patients with syphilis in migrant workers and local resident population,so as to provide reference for the prevention and treatment of syphilis. Methods Syphilis patients were selected in Lucheng District People's Hospital,and then the data of treponema pallidum particle agglutination test( TPPA),toluidine red unheated serum reagin( TRUST),hepatitis B surface antigen( HBs Ag),antibodies against human immunodeficiency virus( HIV) and antibody to hepatitis C virus( HCV) were selected according to migrant workers and local resident population groups. Besides,electronic medical records were checked; syphilis stages were identified and statistical comparison was conducted. Results TPPA,HBs Ag,HIV antibody and anti HCV antibody positive rate of field group were higher than local group,and the difference on TPPA positive rates was statistically significantly( P〈0. 05).Moreover,patients aged 26- 35 in both groups had the highest positive rate,and the positive rate of TRUST was not statistically significantly different between male and female( P〉0. 05). However,the number of patients with positive TRUST decreased with the increase of titer. The dominant syphilis ratio in field group was higher than that local group,with differences statistically significant( P〈0. 05). Conclusion There is high rate of syphilis infection and other infectious diseases in field group,compared to local group. We should strengthen the monitor of infectious diseases such as syphilis and other infectious diseases,control the epidemic situation,and reduce harm to society.
Chinese Journal of Health Laboratory Technology
Migrant workers
Permanent population
Infectious markers