目的探讨20 mL含碘对比剂16排螺旋CT尿路造影(CTU)对上尿路梗阻病变的诊断价值。方法将60例临床拟诊为上尿路梗阻病变的患者随机分为A、B两组,A组采用常规CTU检查方法,B组患者直接静脉推注碘对比剂20 mL,15 min后行16排螺旋CT检查,检查者目测输尿管是否显影,未显影者于30 min、120 min重复扫描扫描。重建图像传入后处理工作站,获得最大密度投影(MIP)、曲面重建(CPR)和多平面重组图像(MPR),由两名高年资医师独立阅片,结论不一致者协商解决。结果 20mL对比剂组对上尿路梗阻病变诊断价值与常规CTU诊断价值无明显统计学差异,B组患者对比剂用量减少75%,所受X线辐射剂量减少79%,医疗检查费用亦有明显减少。结论采用20 mL含碘对比剂16排螺旋CT尿路造影诊断上尿路病变具有可行性,且有操作简便、辐射剂量少、对比剂用量少、节省检查费用等优点。
Objective To evaluate the diagnostic value of 20 m L of iodine-containing contrast medium utilized in 16-slice spiral CT urography(CTU) for the blockage in the upper urinary tract. Methods Sixty patients with suspected blockage in the upper urinary tract were randomly divided into two groups. Group A was examined with conventional CTU. Group A were intravenously injected with 20 m L of iodine-containing contrast medium, then underwent 16-slice spiral CT examination 15 mins later. The examiner visually identify if the opacification of ureter appeared, if not, repeat scans at 30 mins and 120 mins later. The reconstructed images were processed in the post-processing workstation to create maximum intensity projection(MIP), curved planar reconstruction(CPR) and Multiplanar Reconstruction(MPR). Two experienced radiologists independently interpreted the images, if their conclusions are not same, they will consult to get the consistent conclusion. Results There is no significant difference of diagnostic results in two groups. The group B patients are with 75% reduction in the amount of contrast medium, 79% reduction in the X-ray radiation dose, and significantly reduced examination fee. Conclusion 20 m L iodine-containing contrast medium 16-slice spiral CT urography in the diagnosis of blockage in the upper urinary tract is feasible, simple, with the advantages of low radiation doses, less contrast mediums, and less examination fees.
Guide of China Medicine
X-ray computed tomography
Contrast medium