In countries of the common law tradition, the judge' s balance of interests is by no means arbitrary, but cording to the social values must follow concrete operational and objectives to be achieved by norms and specific standards. law, the interests balanced by ges in the administration of justice in common law countries can be divided into two catego social interests served by the determinacy of law and social interests served by justice. To Ac- jud- ries : bal- ance these two categories of social interests and determine the priority between them, judges need to follow particular standards, including the inner-law standards, which emphasize the ob- servance of law, and the outer-law standards, which stress the consideration of the social objec- tives to be achieved by law. The process of the judge' s balancing of interests in common law countries is embodied quite well in the case of "Jacobs & Youngs, Incorporated v. Kent". Chi- nese scholars and judges can draw some inspirations from the experience of common law coun- tries when balancing different interests in the administration of justice
Global Law Review