目的了解海阳市电焊工人对职业病危害认知及健康教育需求情况,为开展职业健康教育提供依据。方法 2015年4~8月采用自行设计的职业健康知识调查问卷,对海阳市6家企业225名电焊工人的知识、态度、行为及健康教育需求进行统计分析。结果海阳市电焊工人知信行调查中,三种类型企业员工对不吸烟、饮食起居规律、工作压力小、向他人倾诉、有业余爱好、做体育锻炼、健康标准、吃盐过多引起疾病、电焊作业对哪些部位产生影响等知晓率差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05)。对设置岗位职业危害防护设施知晓率是70.33%、54.00%、69.05%,差异无统计学意义(P〉0.05)。在《职业病防治法》知晓情况中,国企(70.33%)、民企(70.00%)高于外资(28.57%)(P〈0.01),不同文化程度知晓率最高的为高中及以上(69.12%),不同工龄知晓率最高的为0~3年(63.64%),差异均具有统计学意义(P〈0.01)。工人希望获取职业健康知识途径主要为单位组织培训(81.78%)。结论海阳市电焊工人对职业病危害知晓率较低,对职业健康教育的需求较大。
Objective To understand the awareness and health education demand for occupational disease hazards among welders,Haiyang city,so as to provide the basis for carrying out occupational health education. Methods A self-designed questionnaire survey was conducted among 225 welders from 6enterprise in Haiyang city,April-August,2015 on occupational health knowledge,attitude,behavior and health education demand for statistical analysis. Results Among the welders surveyed,there were differences in the awareness on knowledge,attitude and behavior in three types of enterprise employees in no smoking,diet rules,small working pressure,talking to others,hobbies,doing physical exercise,health standards,diseases due to overeating salt,effect of welding operation on which parts(P 〈0.05).The awareness rate of setting occupational hazard protection post facilities was 70.33%,54%and 69.05%(P 〈0.05).In the awareness rate on the law for occupational disease prevention and treatment,that of state-owned enterprises(70.33%),and private enterprises(70.00%)was higher than that foreign enterprises(28.57%)(P 〈0.01),the highest was in those with high school and above education(69.12%)and in with 0-3years length of service(63.64%)(P 〈0.01).The main route of access to occupational health knowledge by welders is training organized by enterprises(81.78%). Conclusion The workers in Haiyang city have low awareness rate of occupational disease hazards and greater demand for occupational health education.
Preventive Medicine Tribune
Electric welders
Demand for health education
Awareness on occupational disease hazards