
心电图与平板运动试验评价冠状动脉心肌桥的诊断价值 被引量:2

Evaluation of coronary myocardial bridge by electrocardiogram and treadmill exercise test
摘要 目的分析冠状动脉心肌桥患者的心电图及平板运动试验表现。方法选取176例冠脉造影提示心肌桥患者,观察不同深度及狭窄程度的心肌桥心电图及平板运动试验的表现。结果深在型心肌桥缺血性ST段和T波改变的发生率明显高于浅表型(X2=11.02,P〈0.01);心肌桥收缩期狭窄程度Ⅲ级缺血性ST段和T波改变的发生率明显高于Ⅰ级和Ⅱ级(X2=12.78,P〈0.01;X2=24.45,P〈0.01);深在型心肌桥平板运动试验的阳性率明显高于浅表型;心肌桥收缩期狭窄程度Ⅲ级,平板运动试验的阳性率明显高于Ⅰ级和Ⅱ级(X2=9.23,P〈0.05;x2=6.76,P〈0.01)。结论心肌桥患者在心电图及平板运动均有不同的改变,其中深在型及收缩期狭窄程度Ⅲ级的较明显。 Objective To analyze the electrocardiogram and treadmill exercise performance in patients with coronary artery myocardial bridge. Methods 176 patients with myocardial bridging diagnosed by coronary angiography were selected in the study. The performance of myocardial bridge electrocardiogram and treadmill exercise of different depth and stenosis was observed. Results Deep in myocardial bridge ischemic ST segment and T wave changes were significantly higher than superficial type ( X2 = 11.02, P 〈 0.01 ). Systolic myocardial bridge Ⅲ grade stenosis of ischemic ST segment and T wave changes were significantly higher than grade Ⅰ and grade Ⅱ (x2 = 12.78 ,P 〈 0.01; ~2 = 24.45, P 〈 0.01 ). The positive rate of myocardial bridge deep in the treadmill exercise test was significantly higher than the superficial type. Myocardial bridge Ⅲ grade systolic stenosis, treadmill exercise test positive rate was significantly higher than grade Ⅰ and grade Ⅱ ( X2 = 9.23, P 〈 0.05 ; X2 = 6.76, P 〈 0.01 ). Conclusion Patients with myocardial bridge have various changes in the electrocardiogram and treadmill exercise, changes in deep in the type and degree of stenosis Ⅲ grade systolic are obvious.
出处 《中国基层医药》 CAS 2016年第11期1628-1631,共4页 Chinese Journal of Primary Medicine and Pharmacy
基金 浙江省科技计划项目(2012C23087) 浙江省慢性病适宜技术示范基地项目(04-M-01) 浙江省嘉兴市科技计划项目(2012AY1070-1) 浙江省嘉兴市心血管重点学科基金项目(04-F-08) 浙江省嘉兴市重点科技创新团队项目(2014-JX-7)
关键词 心肌桥 心电描记术 平板运动 Myocardial bridge Electrocardiogram Treadmill exercise
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