In the shallow area,the seabed related multiples can't be depressed effectively by use of conventional SRME method because of the shallow water depth and the lack of reflected signal from the seabed.Predictive deconvolution is often used for multiple wave suppressing,but deconvolution will destroy valid reflected signal whose wave cycle is similar to the seabed multiple; particularly in the hard seabed,the amplitude of the seabed multiple wave energy is stronger than the seabed reflection,and in this case,the method of predictive deconvolution cannot depress seabed related multiples entirely.In this paper,seabed related multiples depression by using the DWD+ SRME combination method and DWD method is adopted for attenuating short period seabed related multiples,and the SRME method is used for suppressing long period free surface related multiples. In addition,the method of radon transform is used for removing inter layer multiples.The results show that the seabed related multiples have been depressed effectively by the combination method of DWD +SRME,and the shallow effective reflection signals are not harmed,the deep reflection signals appear gradually because interlayer multiples are attenuated by using Radon transform method.It is therefore held that the adoption of the combination method of DWD + SRME and Radon transform technique is a feasible multiple depression technique for the low SNR seismic data in the shallow water.
Geophysical and Geochemical Exploration