Peeling trunk,binding insect-attracting belt,cleaning orchard and soil-covering under the crown were the control methods on overwintering generation of oriental fruit moth.However,they had not been applied widely on the production because of the lack of systematic quantitative evaluation.Aiming at this fact,the control effects of these technical measures were studied in peach with different ripening period.The results showed that peeling trunk was the best with the control effect of88.64%.The control effect of binding insect-attracting belt of grass bundle was74.13%,which was the most economical and efficient.Covering with soil layer of 3cm under the crown during the middle ten days of March could holdback the adult getting out from soil.Cleaning deadwood could clean out the overwintering larvae on the ground.
刮树皮、绑诱虫带、清洁果园以及覆土是防治越冬代梨小食心虫的主要技术措施,但缺少系统的定量化评价,在生产上未得到广泛应用。针对这一情况,以不同熟期的桃树为试材,对这几项技术措施的梨小食心虫防治效果进行了调查。结果表明,刮树皮对越冬代梨小食心虫的防治效果为88.64%,是防治桃地上部梨小食心虫效果最好的技术措施;绑草把诱虫带的防治效果为74.13%,是防治越冬代梨小食心虫最经济、有效的技术措施;3月中旬地表覆土3 cm可阻止土中越冬茧羽化出土;清除地面枯枝可防治地表的越冬幼虫。